It seems that you've misunderstood the laws of physics - as detailed by GD in his response
Fine. but there is a thing called a radar horizon isnt there? If not then im mistaken. And i'm pretty sure most radars dont work like JORN. Again correct me if i'm wrong. Why are we arguing about this? It was a tiny technical issue about the R172. If there is no such thing as a radar horizon thats fine thankyou for the information.
I bought India into it as an example of extended lines and logistics. How in gods name do you want to discuss issues of engagement if you don't want to bring in real problems. if its not the Indonesians and its some other bogey like India or China (who then has range, projection, persistence and support issues to contend with) - then including mythical launch points also means that we involve mythical (and more achievable) support. Politically, China would want to isolate us from US influence, going to war against us achieves nothing but attract attention and bring in complications like ANZUS, 5PDA.. etc. Hell, we can even probably manipulate our new treaty with France to make an attack on Aust an attack on France. (The treaty is open to mutual support)
Look if you only want to look at the political situation in the here and now thats fine. In the current political environment you may verry well be right. But does this situation stand up in 20 yrs, becaus these will still be the platforms we will be flying.
And basically your saying that there is no likely scenario in the next 30yrs were we will have to defend a ship/airfield/city/refinary/anything against several strike packages of flankers equiped with stand off missiles that seem to be complimentary with a new purchase? Because if for whatever reason we are whith the assets we are going to buy i dont see the F35 stoping this sort of attack, and none of the "reasonable answers" given have adressed this issue, just that we will never face such a threat.
I can tell you now that once China starts deploying fixed wing assets into Myanmar, then the Andomans base will be the next headache they have to deal with - not just a stupid foray into australian territorial areas to achieve what objective? a termination of the $30bn LNG contract? termination of the iron ore supply? termination of the Uranium supply? termination of the tech transfer on aust'n water tech which means more to them than any regular shipment of holeproof socks and undies?
Again your looking at the 5 to 10 yr timeframe.
I bought up india because for some unholy reason Kopp and Co see them as a future enemy (along with china) and are fond of displaying radii charts showing reach etc... Discussing India and China as potential aggressors means that the serious issues of persistence, projection and payload have to be factored in. Similarly when someone makes a comment about the Chinese using Myanmar as a launch point, I say to myself "ok, the games gone global, lets ratchett up our own allies" You can't have your cake and eat it. leave out the allies and china can't reach anything except deliver nukes. She's a greenwater navy with localised control, she's a continental airpower whose own doctrine stipulates that nothing is to move unless supported by extended land based air power. Extending her reach to australia to bomb darwin or townsville absolutely defies logic and the issues of logistics. It also means that extending her reach beyond the continent to reach australia has just become a global event - and yes, we wouldn't be on our own.
1. The chances of a war with china, india, indonesia anyone are less than minimal at the moment. But India and China are the major powers in the region, that would seem to be the reason "Kopp & Co" use them as threat nations. I'm yet to read Kopp say "war with china imminant" or the like. Just comparisons between platforms.
2. Again your only looking in the 5 to 10yr timeframe.
Come up with a sensible threat scenario rather than "the yellow horde" so oft used by APA as grounds for the F-22 (unavailable but thats not important if you want to push an agenda). Or India (as Fiji has become an elephantine vehicle of conflict that must be used as an excuse to invade australia) etc.... hence why I'm dismissive of the India/China/Malaysia/Philippines threat. (yes in 1997 Federally we actually game played a scenario where a fundamentalist caliphate comprising indonesia, malaysia and the philippines rose up to smite the impudent anglo celts south of PNG)
There is no credible threat at the moment from any of these nations. So therefore we should structure our main defenceive arm around the assumption that we will not have to contend with the platforms in the region or they will not attack us, or we will never have to repell air strikes as outlined above. This is very short sighted IMO. But everyone else seems comfortable with it.
That would mean a scenario in the 5 to 10yr timeframe would it not? I'm starting to see a bit of a pettern here.
No, my difficulty is that there are some in here who have been more than willing to give you reasonable answers, but you want to persist in your own agenda.
My agenda is the defence of my nation. If the F35 really will be able to performe the functions we need it to, including air superiority in a situation which is not dictated by the RAAF then great!!! I've got nothing to worry about.
What possible personal interest could i have vested in this?? You think i like taking on the whole forum? But it seemed that questioning the ability of the F35, its suitability to the RAAF or the threat posed by the Flanker is herracy here, and the tendancy to dismiss the threat wothout justifying said dismissal is worrying.
Thats fine by me, but its a big world and I'm happy and comfortable enough to believe the professionals before I believe the academics. I also was unfortunate enough to be subjected to a media liaison course when in Govt, so I get a bit tired with circuitous discussions. Its why more than often or not I am more content to sit back than engage. If you don't believe some of the very credible responses countering your beliefs - then its ok by me anyway.
Sure, but you can understand me wanting some justification for why i am wrong? Not simply your wrong?
Others have tried. You seem to think that its a problem. Fine. I'm happy for you to think that assisted IRST is more than a difficulty for a LO aircraft with assisted Radar/AESA/LPI combinations. Seriously, if you think that assisted IRST beats assisted RADAR then there is no point in discussing it further.
No i never said that IRST guided IR BVR missiles were more capable, just that the F35 will be able to be engaged by them in a similar fassion.
No i get it. I was wrong before and i didn't fully understand the situation. In a situation were the F35 was contending with a CAP consisting of Flankers or there was an airial "meeting engagement" the F35/wedetail combination owns it. One platform has the radar, one platform carries the missiles to the launch point and the flankers who are still flying around in circles never know what hit them. SU XX can engage with IR guided BVR missiles but that is far from decisive. Its like a balet. But what happens when the enemy forces the pace of the engagement? What if the F35 has to intercept the flanker? What if its the RAAF who's defending something and has to get the flanker before it can employ its stand off weapons??? None of you have outlined exactly how the F35 can stop such an attack. You seem to think that this scenario is so unlikely that even considering it is unwarrented. Thats fine. But that to me seems like stricking your head in the sand.
I've realised that questioning the supremacy of net centric warfare and western tachnology and tactics is pretty much herracy. i just hope i'm not banished for questioning the assumptions we are basing the defence of our nation on.