N011M Bars is very much like APG-79 used in F-14Ds. It has slightly less range, is heavier, and less tracking ability. It does have the ability to pass target information on to 4 rather than 2 friendly AC which is an advantage.
The Bars is an excellent radar and is the best thing the Russians have, but very few Flanker types have the radar. India's SU-30MKIs are the only ones that use it to my knowledge.
That said even if you go by NIIPs claims the radar can only detect (not scan) an F-16 sized target out to around 140-160km. The radar is not LPI and it cannot jam opposing radars, both features the APG-79 does. Lets also keep in mind that the clean SHs that are doing the targeting have a frontal RCS anywhere between 1.0M2 and 0.05M2 depending on where you get your information from. This is an order of magitude smaller than the F-16.
Even without lighting up their radars the APG-79 will detect an SU-30 (remember it is big and not at all stealthy) at anywhere between 192-220 Km. If they light them up (the few that play mini AWACs, remember for every four passive Bars you need a fifth active Bars) the SH will detect them long before 300km. Add to it that the AIM120c-8 and AIM 120D's extended rangeand you can see why the SH would have no problem with even the latest SUXX variant.
The only time the SUXX will use all that awesome power and manueverability will be when their RWRs go off and they try to avoid the incoming missile swarm.
Now as for Elp and his Rhino bashing. I wonder why he changed his tune.
Elp in his own words in another forum:
The Bars is an excellent radar and is the best thing the Russians have, but very few Flanker types have the radar. India's SU-30MKIs are the only ones that use it to my knowledge.
That said even if you go by NIIPs claims the radar can only detect (not scan) an F-16 sized target out to around 140-160km. The radar is not LPI and it cannot jam opposing radars, both features the APG-79 does. Lets also keep in mind that the clean SHs that are doing the targeting have a frontal RCS anywhere between 1.0M2 and 0.05M2 depending on where you get your information from. This is an order of magitude smaller than the F-16.
Even without lighting up their radars the APG-79 will detect an SU-30 (remember it is big and not at all stealthy) at anywhere between 192-220 Km. If they light them up (the few that play mini AWACs, remember for every four passive Bars you need a fifth active Bars) the SH will detect them long before 300km. Add to it that the AIM120c-8 and AIM 120D's extended rangeand you can see why the SH would have no problem with even the latest SUXX variant.
The only time the SUXX will use all that awesome power and manueverability will be when their RWRs go off and they try to avoid the incoming missile swarm.
Couple of reasons. At the time the requirement was for an F-15 replacement. Also the technology just was not there yet in 1991.If so then why is the F22 so capable in this aspect? Why didnt the USAF just build a larger, stealthier F35 with the APG 77? It definatiely would have been cheaper.
Now as for Elp and his Rhino bashing. I wonder why he changed his tune.
Elp in his own words in another forum:
http://www.f-16.net/modules.php?op=modload&name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&t=7442&highlight=apg-79Breaking a wedge of F-18E/F AESA aircraft on their way to deliver the mail is another story. When it is set up to go strike something, you have to stop it. Might be kinda difficult. Not because of it's raw performance, ( it doesn't have any ) but because of the avionics on it. Also... once they figure out how to jam and soft-kill opposing sensors/transceivers with AESA watch out.
F-18E/F and later JSF will most likely make a very good team. Consider that anyone in their part of the world doesn't have the operational savvy ( owning a big SU all by itself won't make you a winner...( a non-issue Doc Koop ) ) and more serious no netcentricity, Australia won't have a problem defending it's own back yard.