RAIC Postings ?


New Member
Hey Guys,

I'm keen as to join the Aus Army as Rifleman, but i need to consider my wife and child. Although my wife supports me totally, she has established a small business in Sydney that she cannot simply walk away from and i'm not too keen to do the distance thing with a young child.

I realise the commitment as a soldier and being away from time to time for training etc. that would be fine . We would also not rule out moving to another location in the future.

But I was really hoping that i could get posted In Holsworthy or Sydney (close to home). From what they tell me on those hotlines, a posting could be anywhere and once your posted thats it for 3 years.

I guess i'm restricted in a sense but i know this is what i want. Really not keen to settle for reserves.

How compassionate are they with things like this?

Can any of you guys shed some light it or offer any solutions ?
It would be heaps appreciated.


Scott :confused:

Aussie Digger

Hey Guys,

I'm keen as to join the Aus Army as Rifleman, but i need to consider my wife and child. Although my wife supports me totally, she has established a small business in Sydney that she cannot simply walk away from and i'm not too keen to do the distance thing with a young child.

I realise the commitment as a soldier and being away from time to time for training etc. that would be fine . We would also not rule out moving to another location in the future.

But I was really hoping that i could get posted In Holsworthy or Sydney (close to home). From what they tell me on those hotlines, a posting could be anywhere and once your posted thats it for 3 years.

I guess i'm restricted in a sense but i know this is what i want. Really not keen to settle for reserves.

How compassionate are they with things like this?

Can any of you guys shed some light it or offer any solutions ?
It would be heaps appreciated.


Scott :confused:
Unfortunately the only regular infantry battalion staying in Sydney is 4RAR (Cmdo). The other regular battalions are based in Brisbane, Townsville and Darwin. 3RAR is currently in Sydney but is moving. There's no guarantee you'll get posted to 3RAR however, and it is due to move by 2010 anyway. Halfway through your first posting, the entire battalion will be moving to Townsville...

There is NO chance you will be posted to 4RAR (Cmdo) straight out of Infantry IET. The only possible way to get straight into 4RAR is via the Special Forces direct entry scheme, which is actually winding down...

As a general entry rifleman, you are most likely to be posted to Townsville or Darwin, with Brisbane the 3rd most likely posting.

Postings are (or were) 4 years for your initial posting...

The Reserve is the only way you are going to be able to be a rifleman and stay in Sydney, though you are also lucky enough to have 1 Commando Regiment based in Randwick (I believe) which, if you are good enough should be as "warrie" as you could want. They also are part of the "High Readiness Reserve" scheme which requires reserve soldiers to perform a certain amount of full time service (around 12 months) to qualify for the scheme.

This might be an option, but it ain't going to be easy...


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Thanks Aussie Digger Re: H&N Army

Cheers Mate,

It's a bummer, but i'll work something out, maybe just settle for reserves or consider relocating. Yeah i read a lot about the H&N Plan. I believe a lot are moving to S.A as well.
I also read recently that they're bringing in new family friendly benefits to aid retention like extra separation payments, visits and the option to remain at your current posting for better family stability. But this would probably apply more to existing ADF members.
So I guess that preferance system for postings is not to be relied too much.

Thanks anyway,


Aussie Digger

Cheers Mate,

It's a bummer, but i'll work something out, maybe just settle for reserves or consider relocating. Yeah i read a lot about the H&N Plan. I believe a lot are moving to S.A as well.
I also read recently that they're bringing in new family friendly benefits to aid retention like extra separation payments, visits and the option to remain at your current posting for better family stability. But this would probably apply more to existing ADF members.
So I guess that preferance system for postings is not to be relied too much.

Thanks anyway,

No problems mate. Don't give up on the reserves though. With the High Readiness Reserve units that exist these days, the opportunity exists to become qualified to ARA standard, serve full time, yet remain within a reserve battalion. (For a year or so).

After that time you may find that your desire to "go" ARA full time has disappeared, or alternatively is so strong, something can be worked out with your other half...

The opportunity to deploy operationally as a reserve is also ever improving though that would definitely mean leaving Sydney... :D


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3 Rar

Gday aussie digger,

Yeh wont give up, going to follow through with this.

I guess it's only till 2010, but I heard if i did elect to go para, that I'd have a pretty good chance at scoring 3RAR at holsworthy.

Does this sound correct ?

What would be the process to get from Kapooka to IET to Holsworthy etc. and at what point would you select a preferance for Para 3RAR ?

My Security Guard work collegue who was a chocko for a short period, says if posted to 3 RAR that most of the year you'd be away on exercise.

Would this be the case ?

Sorry for all the questions? ButI get much more info here than on the recruitment hotlines.



Aussie Digger

Gday aussie digger,

Yeh wont give up, going to follow through with this.

I guess it's only till 2010, but I heard if i did elect to go para, that I'd have a pretty good chance at scoring 3RAR at holsworthy.

Does this sound correct ?

What would be the process to get from Kapooka to IET to Holsworthy etc. and at what point would you select a preferance for Para 3RAR ?

My Security Guard work collegue who was a chocko for a short period, says if posted to 3 RAR that most of the year you'd be away on exercise.

Would this be the case ?

Sorry for all the questions? ButI get much more info here than on the recruitment hotlines.


You're right mate. With ALL RAINF Battalions you spend a long time away "out bush". 3RAR no doubt does PLENTY of time in the Bush, however 1RAR and 2RAR as the "online" battalions do THE most amount of training of any battalions in the Army. FYI, the 2nd Cav Regt (I believe) actually holds the title of the unit that spends the most time in the field, outside of SOCOMD anyway...

You can't elect to go to 3RAR. It's the same as any other battalion. Yes the Digs there have to be para-qualified, but otherwise they are no different to any other battalion.

3RAR draws it's recruits from the same pool that every other battalion does and too a large degree it's "luck of the draw". The problem you face joining now, is 5RAR and 8/9RAR are in the process of being raised. Most new recruits will go to either of those 2 battalions. 5RAR will remain in Darwin until about 2010, when new barracks will be open in Adelaide, at which point the battalion and supporting assets will move there.

8/9RAR is to be based in South East Queensland (SEQ), with no specific base yet chosen, however it can only be RAAF Amberley or Gallipoli Barracks Enoggera, as these are the only barracks in SEQ large enough to accomodate an RAR battalion. With the amount of room they have at Amberley compared to Enoggera, I personally suspect 8/9RAR is destined to be based at a RAAF base (what a hardship THAT would be...) however as I said, no decision has yet been made, to the best of my knowledge. 25/49 RQR and 9RQR and the other "chocs" might just end up getting punted out of Gallipoli barracks, back to their regional depots and in the process turn 7 Brigade into 6 Brigade and the all regular formation it should be, with the reserve units maintaining 7 Brigade as IT should be...

As to the training requirements for the RAR battalions, ALL of them are high and you're going to spend a lot of time in the bush as an ARA rifleman, whichever battalion you end up joining.

Get used to enjoying "quiet time" is all I'll say to end this post...