If I may go back to the original question, tho I do like reading all this technical stuff. The actual "doctrine" for the Soviet missiles centered around the Cold War and 2 Soviet goals for their navy and maritime strike force. Of course #1 was to sink Yank and NATO carriers. #2, and just as important, to interdict the NATO North Atlantic re-supply route in time of war on the continent.
#1, to sink a carrier, was a constant chess game between them and the Yanks. We would constantly strive to enlarge the defensive perimeter around our carriers, "and I could call that the 360% area around the ship that we controlled from sea bottom to atmosphere top". And the Soviets would constantly strive to penetrate that perimeter.
So Danois is correct. However I would word it as the Soviets used the AshM as the centerpiece and everything else was just a vessel to carry them to their launch point. Eventually they deployed huge Oscar class SSGNs centered around very large and fast AshMS like the SS N 19, strike air craft like the Backfire, their CVs, heck even their air craft carriers were loaded up with AshMs and were built to protect AshM assets.
We Yanks/NATO, on the other hand, kept deploying better and better systems to enlarge that 360%. Systems like F-14 and Phoenix missiles, Aegis and SM, Phalanx, sea sparrow, better ASW, and better SSNs. And like the Soviets we developed our AshMs based on need vis-a-vis the perceived threat. Not on a perceived need to match them in style and size. Certainly the world has seen that sub sonics like Harpoon and Exocet really work. The newest Harpoon is a very lethal missile in the Littorals or in clutter as well.
So the AshM one goes out and buys now is an evolutionary weapon from the Cold War. Not to underestimate the threat of these missiles but I believe most people overestimate them and underestimate a carrier battle groups ability to protect itself. Out in the open ocean a carrier commander pretty much controls the 360% around him out to about 600 NMs. I know there has been much ado about that Chinese SSK that popped up near one, but generally, its not all that easy to get close to one.