they don't have an order for 60 vessels. if they do please provide the link. Clifford is hoping for 60 vessels. He's indulging in an O'dwyer type marketing exercise.Well if the incat spaer head is no good,why do the usa have an order of 60 vessels.
this should be tempered by the knowledge that quite a few US Congressmen over the last few weeks have vocally promoted the fact that no large orders should be foreign designed and foreign built.
the reality is that Incat have a relationship with Bollinger to try and get around that congressional (and legal) requirement that new build large capital assets must be built in the US.
sustained high sea states? not going to happen. we know that they can't. thats why they're planned around messy bits of the ocean when they are in transit. the last thing an army wants is for their troops to arrive debilitated. Thats also why air is the preferred option for warm and verticals, and why you have flat packers, RoRo, LHA's, LPD's and ferries for bulk hardware shiftingI've seen the incat models pough thought heavy sea of the caost of tasmania that were 4metre waves.They peirce straight throught them.I must admitt though AUSTAL has better effecency production speed than incat.
as for seeing them punch through water - well, so can large cats. wave piercing is the same bloke with a different haircut. I've also seen both - up close. I've seen HSV and HSV2 (which was supposed to be an improvement). The bottom line is that they are worlds apart in build quality. why have a kingswood if you can get an audi for similar pricing?
an optimised boat transiting in timed crossings does not equal military usefulness.But incat holds the record in the pacific for fastest cat in the world usa military hold that record.
3 decks above the waterline or all up? before DERA became QinetiC I saw some of the russian 200m aircraft carrier trimaran and catamaran concepts. the pommy ME i spoke to said that they perceived considerable structural problems of beam to length once you went beyond a certain length. adding another deck would dramatically change the centre of grav, handling and also trigger beam/length issues. they seemed to think that it was not a useful idea.But what I would like to see from both designs is a three deck version.
1-landing pad,2- aircraft hanger,3- vechicle storage hanger in companies design.At the moment they only carry 2-decks.
To do this they would have extend each ship by 20 metres,but the design might able to this.
maybe it could be done now, but it sure wasn't attractive 5 years ago.