They've absolutely stuffed up the shipbuilding capability. Nuke sub capability was so run down the USN had to be called in to do a technology assist.Truly diabolical. Blair and Brown have presided over the ruination of the fighting fleet (though it must be said that the fleet of amphibious assault ships is in a much better state, albeit with delays and cost over-runs).
The parlous state of internal capability was so bad that it set off alarm bells in the US about not maintaining capability. The report made by the "cousins" about the RN and degradation of mil industry standards appears to have had a positive outcome for US mil construction though. Since the report USN has firmed up on Virginia upgrades and orders - and extra money has been pumped into USV/ROV development. That also appears to have splattered the USAF as well, as SecDef has also ordered the services to buy min quantities of platforms when they had originally intended pruning their orders.
The French are the only major euro power with less compromised build and construction capability - and even they're hurting a little.