The catamaran and butterfly were comprehensively dismissed by a DERA report.There are several designs that they can explore which, I am surprised to say, have nopt been suggested in public to have been considered for US future carrier design.
These are the 'iceberg', the catamaran and the 'butterfly' designs, any one of which would offer a reduction in the physical signiature or greater stealth in general for smaller carriers that would make even Iran capable of operating such a vessel with lesser level of support form the task force vessels that need to accompany the carrier.
In 2001 I spoke to a DERA (now Qinetic) maritime engineer who openly stated that they had bought designs from the Russians (it was a buyers market then).
Both designs were singularly flawed and not seen as worth pursuing.
The trimaran and catamaran data from australia (which is actually regarded as the worlds most experienced in multihull designs) also shows length to beam limitations.
Multi-hull carriers are not going to happen soon.