Many people still hang on to the ridiculous notion that SE Asia terrain is not suitable for heavy 50-ton MBTs.
They hash and rehash all the tired old arguments about rice paddies, bridge, mud, forests, plantations, BUA etc etc. As if the US, UK, Europe, Middle East don't have mud, forests or plantations, BUA or bridges that collapses from anything heavier than a bullock cart.
Now that Singapore went and bought the Leo 2, I'm surprised this still hasn't changed the minds of some of these folks.
This is all the more strange, when SG has had MBTs in the form of the Centurion - since the 70's.
Sure, the MBT can't go EVERYWHERE. But then there are people like Pathfinders, recce, S3, Combat Engineers etc etc whose job are to help decide where the MBT can go and how to get there.
And once there, there is nothing more daunting or formidable than 50-ton of fighting machine coming at you. Arty is great and so is air support. But in the end, it is what's on the ground that gets the job done.