contedicavour said:
The BPE vs Cavour argument : the 1st is a LHD while the 2nd is a light carrier for STOVL ... yes that's true, but it's logical that comparisons are made because the 2 ships will end up performing very similar tasks in the real life world, ie fleet flagship, providing air cover and running strike missions, leading amphibious task forces.
Unfortunately, this is great extension, wrong. IMO of course.
Thus not, would be better that we don't confuse the things. If something theoretically can serve on extraordinary form or temporal service for something, does not signify that the Navy intend to employ permanently for it, neither that was fundamental characteristic of its design or capacities required.
· First, its true, our BPE will be able to serve as the Navy Flag Ship
but only
during limited periods. The Cavour however AFAIK will be the next permanent flag ship of the Italian Navy. An apparent little difference but important on terms of facilities and systems to do that (is not the same do anything during limited time to do for the entire operative life of the ship).
· Second, our BPE Juan Carlos I (or for this question the Príncipe de Asturias - PdA) never will act in missions of an Autonomous Strike Group. This drifts of the change of the operative doctrine adopted by the Spanish Navy where the mission of the STOVL vector, beyond the desires of some enthusiasts or forumers wishful thinking, is to give air support to a Projection Force and of course, win (or negate to the enemy) the Air Superiority & lend CAS over the area of the amphibious operations, nothing more, nothing less. And obviously this weight enormously on the capacities required by the Navy for the BPE. For what more than 1 LM-2500 & 2 Diessels for 21 knots max. if you always deploy with the slow LPDs & AORs. This not the case for the Cavour.
The doctrine of independent STOVL CV strike group has been abandoned by the Spanish Navy with the dissolution of the Alpha & Delta Groups. Both, measures included in the severe restructuring of the hierarchic and operative structure of the Spanish Navy (included itself on the Spanish Armed Forces Reform derived from the RED & the new National Defence Law), developed (or suffered) over the last years as result of the RED (Strategic Revision of the Defense). Most probably only with the replacement of the PdA, this question will be returned to the Spanish Strategic Defense Planning.
The capacity of the Juan Carlos I as vector of wing-fixed aviation was conceived with the
only purpose to able the Navy with a permanent fixed-wing capacity
inside the Group of Projection to support their amphibious capacities whenever the PdA would be unavailable for any cause. And like I said before as a stop-gap measure while the future of the F-35 is cleared.
Never with STOVL CV (as the Cavour) missions or capacities in mind.
· Third, no. When we talk of BPE or Cavour about leading (or launching) amphibious operations, we are talking about a different level of capacities and not only on quantity of forces carried on them. The BPE was conceived to lead the Projection Group & deploy an amphibious force from the Marine Infantry, the Army or a mixed force. This is an another important detail, because you are counting with a need of transport, deploy and coordination of different operatives, logistics, troops, vehicles, helicopters... but most important,
operational doctrine somewhat unprecedented in the Spanish Navy or in many European countries. Is the Cavour specifically designed for this? AFAIK not, correct me please if I am wrong.
I sincerely doubt that the Italian Navy restrict the better operational attributes (speed, auto-defense capacity, embarked aviation, etc...) of the NUM Cavour for support & amphibious roles like our Navy plans do with the BPE. For that I don't see the Cavour regularly included on Amphibious Task Forces or restricted
always to force projection missions. I thought better capable to form a STOVL CV Task Group for SCS missions, Strike Missions or for Air Support to the Italian Army units deployed on International Missions, all this obviously while also maintain the capacity to support Amphibious Task Groups whenever was necessary, but not as her life motive.
However, our BPE it's not capable to operate as nucleum of a conventional STOVL Strike Group, as simple as that. If the Spanish Navy had desired a dedicated STOVL or a mere STOVL CV with independent operative capacity, she had revived one of the two BSAC projects of Navantia or presented a very modified design on the base of the BPE Juan Carlos, (Longer flight deck, no dock, different system of propulsion and as result consistently greater cruising an maximum speed, improved building to military standard on the entire ship, greater capacity of antimissile defense, among many others changes of design).
Sorry contedicavour, but without wishful thinking the Cavour and the Juan Carlos I are ships too different to able us to made comparisons between them. I never will compare one Nimitz with a Wasp, and at our reality level this is what we are doing, wanting to compare the Cavour with the BPE Juan Carlos I.
contedicavour said:
F35s aboard : yes the Navy is only ordering 22 F35B, but the Air Force still hasn't decided whether to order its 109 in F35A or F35B versions or even a mix of them. Hopefully we'll thus have more than 22 F35B in the inventory. Btw, date for introduction is 2014.
And meanwhile the F-35B is finished (if take the 2014 for introduction date we will said 3-4 years to complete the deliveries). You would be able to tell us how many Harriers plans the Italian Navy maintain operatives to serve in the airwings of the Cavour and Garibaldi? IIRC the Italian Navy have only 16 AV-8B+ & 2 TAV-8B... Any possibility of an Ex-USMC purchase to cover the gap in numbers? Or the Italian Navy plans part the 16 aircrafts between the two ship for the next 8-10 years?