When aircraft 39 was developed during the cold war they didn't expect it to end in the early 90s.Red Flag was a largely pre-planned excercise, as usual. And when did somebody hear an airforce say 'Yeah, our planes suck'? Of course everything was just GREAT, and of course there is ALWAYS room for improvement, and we will WORK very hard to ... blahblahblah.
Somebody said JAS-39 was not designed for offensive strike. That is not correct. Sweden is not Finland. The idea in a Soviet attack scenario was to attack them as soon as possible, meaning still on Finnish ground, and especially in the anti-ship mission out in the Baltic. That requires some range. I'm pretty sure JA-37 was a better striker than the JAS-39.
JAS-39 is in some respect a modern day MiG-21. That was/is also great in WVR a/a combat, but only till the first maneuver, than its poor t/w ratio leaves it hanging in the sky. No way a strike configured JAS-39 could maneuver for a/a self preservation. Plus in a strike configuration the range is *very* limited, Mr. Plummer is absolutely right. That is/was a European disease, always building fighters in line with the Spitfire and Me109. Only good for defense, no offensive range with a useful warload.
And if I remember correctly the Swedish air force mission during the cold war was counter air and anti-ship, not so much air-to-ground. Actually, the danger of a Soviet invasion over land was pretty low.
Actually, there's a much greater chance to hear only the negative results from a Swedish Armed Forces report than the other way around. Sweden has a history of shutting up whenever we do something good.Red Flag was a largely pre-planned excercise, as usual. And when did somebody hear an airforce say 'Yeah, our planes suck'?
Ken Linberg said -I don't want to present any numbers, but we did very well! That's as far as Swede's go. I'm surprised he actually dared to say that! Who does he think he is!!?? And that is how Swedes work. It's the way it is, unfortunatelly.
I think you are a bit confused about this. The idea behind the gripen is not to be a superior strikeaircraft or a superior airsuperiority aircraft but rather an anti airsuperiority aircraft with powerful antiship weaponry as an option. In short, something the US dont want in the hands of one of their potential foes since it would make invading that foe alot more expensive. It is almost as if the Gripen was designed specifically as an anti-us aircraft (of course, it was an anti ussr aircraft but many nations find themselves in a similar relationship with the US today)CH,
Simply because they don't contribute enough (numerically) to the gameplan in an airframe with enough strike warfare aptitudes to be worth the effort.
Of course I am also frankly against-
“This is the most extensive and complex exercise the Swedish Air Force has been involved in to date with the JAS 39 Gripen,” Ken Lindberg explains. “Taking part will give us extremely important experience ahead of potential international missions in the future.”
Since this is effectively teaching your enemy your doctrines and where this is particularly relevant to NCW, we don't need to be handing out freebies to people who think of RF as an excercise in-
The exercise also provides a good opportunity to demonstrate the Gripen and its capabilities to interested parties internationally.
Because frankly Sweden was never more than a silent partner in NATO and the Alliance itself is little more than an excuse for backstabbing and 'host fees' now that the Russian threat has gone and militarism is a Vae Victis Vickers business-in-booming.
The U.S. technically fights better alone than with anyone else and with the increase in COE tactics inherent to BVR, DEWS and Glide-IAM, I'm afraid I find much of the 'jointness' inherent to multiforce excersizes to have no point as either a propoganda (against who?) effort or a _secure_ training forum.
IMO, the Swedes are looking for a free kudo on an airframe that is less competent overall (nm per pylon) than the F-16. Rather than indulge in fantasies like this-