It would surprise me if a Merk was bought for evaluation. It would have been cheaper to just fly the whole evaluation team to Israel.
"Phantoms" in ROC is a good joke. Doesn't make sense today when US can just dump a whole lot of surplus F16s into SG if required and with more than sufficient pilots in SG to take that up. Just like the US did in Yom Kippur '73. More believable is that SG pilots trained to fly F4s in the 80s.
btw, the British guns in SG did have HE rounds in 1942. I think the SAF did publish a history of the artillery in its armed forces back in the 80s which details the ammo/guns in SG.
The point is that the guns even with lots of ammo wouldn't have made any difference in the campaign. The battle was lost when the advanced recon spearhead with Jap tanks defeated the Indian divisions at Jitra.
The F4's was last heard of in the 1980 early 90's presently knothing, maybe the super skyhawks took over, maybe mothballed for reservist pilots, I don't know, but it make's sense since we have more reservist then active pilots anyway and we cannot possibly have enough aircraft for all of them.
For evauluation I have seen LAV,s Piranha'a and even a stryker?? in our training area going thrue the varous test, how can you evaluate a AFV properly for your own country, when the terrain and enviroment of the manufacturing country is vastly different from your own, men lives are at stake. small things like dust covers ( iran hostage crises, delta copters could not fly and had to abort )
By the way the Leo's better come with aircons, tempreture in a AFV is 2 degree celcuis higher then the outside 35c = 37c, with 80%-100% adverage humidity, not possible to fight/ live in. ANother thing pls correct me if I am wrong but the Leo's have manual loading system, if so we now have to train loaders. Asian man not big size,
WW2 the Japs were grossly under estimated and Yamashita out menouvered and out thought the allies ( not out fought, they fought well,but not enough) Fact- upon surrender the brits had more ammo/ guns men then the japs.