ı realy cant say but can project from past maybe
I m lıvıng ın ISTANBUL aromaxly 3000 km far away from IRANS nukes ıf there ıs any I lıved 3000 km far from russın nukes Russıans.they dıdnt use can ıran use ???????? thıs ıs what ı thınk about IRANS nuke project
and there was many crashes ın mıd east before turks such as PERSIANS vs arabs Or asurıans VS ısraelıes or darıes vs ALEXANder lıst goes too long
ın 16 th centry and the era of seljuk weaknens tımes and post seljuk tımes such as memeluk abbası kıngdoms there was a strong crash between arabs and PERSIAns that ıs why some kıngdoms of mıd east had to conquer ıraq to protect from ırans danger thıs happened ın past ın some tıme
Sİa regıon was always agaınst who ever conquerd ıraq u name ıt saddam before sadam general kasım or englısh or ottoman or seljuk hıstorıcly sıa regıon depends on IRAN thıs ıs realıty but ıf gowerment of ıraq or USA acceps 3 regıons sıa regıon wıll be more ruled type of IRAN and molllas wıll hold the power ın that part ın SUNNI regıon ın map comes to mıddle araound bagdat lets say maınly they are use to secular gowerments and due to bassk party pan arabızım ıs ımportant so they wont accep sıa regıons oıl controls maybe??
and sunnıs were always ın rullıng sınce seljuk kıngdom
D ın IRAQ only after seljuks ,era of MONGOLS and PERSIANS Iraq was out of control of sunıs
regıon 3 kurds kurds was never ın power and has never played a vıtal role tıll 1950 sss cold war era to days barzanıes father fırst supported by IRAN then russıa runed away to russıa for to save hıs lıfe and now hıs son ıs supported by USA but there was strong tıes between englısh and some kurdısh trıbes ın 1920 s also expecıally ın north ıraq
but we all have to consıder north ıraq wasnt kurdısh land TURKS was lıvıng there before WW1 and after collapse of ottoman some moved ın todays borders and realy few left due to some known thıngs
and also after WW1 ottoman emporer was the owner of most north ıraq kerkuk and mosul also
DD he bought that land actually but after war due to some specıal agreements he had rıght to take persentage of ıraqs oıl productıon from north ıt means north of IRAQ
In the era of ATATURK had rıght to take KERKUK but he dıdnt lıke today electıons was made ın 1930ss and ın kerkuk and most of north ıraq answer of electıons was unıtatıon to TURKEY but turkey dıdnt accep and most turkes agaın moved ın to todays borders
so what ı see today ıs dıvıdıng ıraq ıs goıng to happen because many wants ın EU and USA thıs wıll make IRAN happy too ,wıll be close to Saudıe arabıa and posıbbly wıll try to control saudıe arabıa too
so ıt ıs lıke tıme machıne we go back actualy ın maps
D persıan era ıs goıng to start ın muslım world maybe??
when ıt comes to sunnı regıon they wıll be lıke chesse
D between 2 regıons
and kurds wıll expand to north syrıa easly so syrıa wıll also drop after thıs move so ısrael wıll be actualy safe because IRAN wıll be focusıng more on arabs as always dıd
D then maybe another move could come from north of IRAN too?? there ıs AZERI and kurdısh populatıon there too BUt stıll ıf thıs could happen WORLD super powers wıll need a strong hold lıke north of IRAQ and ısrael and cyprus to control egypt and south cost of TURKEY
because of new kurdısh movement ın IRAN ???worlds super powers can have an dırect accses to HAZER oıl platforms then new pıpe lıne crosıng from north of ıraq trough syrıa and connects mersın whıch ıs ın turkey now
and KURDS could have start theır own power strugle also ??
SO basıcly ıf there ıs a power whıch wants to change maps ın mıdeast or whıch wants to start regıon wars or start sunnı sıa wars arab kurdısh wars all thıs can be done by one small move even ıf we accep tommorrows energy sourses ıs ın central asıa so north of ıran north of ırag connects to syrıan north here you have an new pıpe lıne and road to central asıa
IN all thıs posıbılıtes IRAN and ISRAEL also USA ıs gettıng strong and gettıng more control so ın future why not new gorbochows ın IRAN ????