Dutch Frigates


Banned Member
As an aside: I never really understood the budget argument:

If it is a matter of national survival, the means will be found if the solution exists. Military equipment is always hideously expensive and have little sensible use.
Among solutions the cheapest will be found and outdated solutions are killed without sentimentality.
F.i. The day the Baltic nations joined Nato they disbanded Luftmeldekorpset (which costed very little). Sensible solution.


Super Moderator
I should have mentioned Uruguay for the Olso-class!! Thought of it, but didn't do it.
Paraguay a possibility??? There will be a problem with Bolivia (it is landlocked).
So is Paraguay.

River boats (big ones, in Paraguays case) can reach both, but no coast.


New Member
I should have mentioned Uruguay for the Olso-class!! Thought of it, but didn't do it.
Paraguay a possibility??? There will be a problem with Bolivia (it is landlocked).

The "flagship" of the Uruguayan is so old that it was at one point named after the dictator Stroessner - as afr as I know: He died about 10-20 years ago!
Why not export weapons a nice ship, that can't sail anymore to them.
Ehm Stroessner is Paraguayan not Uruguayan ;) Paraguay needs a riverine patrol force, not ocean going vessels.
Besides, Oslos are so worn out that there are plenty other ship types that would be better (French A69s and Leygues, German Bremen, soon Italian Maestrale, the remaining OHPs even w/o Mk13)



Active Member
Verified Defense Pro
ah i thought i was wrong i thought they were based of the spainsh F100 rather than the german F124 what changes did the duch make. dose it have a longer range then the german vessle


Banned Member
Conte di Cavour
I've always been confused by some aspects of South American defence policies - thanks for setting me straight.


New Member
ah i thought i was wrong i thought they were based of the spainsh F100 rather than the german F124 what changes did the duch make. dose it have a longer range then the german vessle
To which ships are you referring ?
The closest "cousins" are the Dutch Kortenaer and German F122 classes. Even if less similar, the Dutch De Zeven Provincen and the German F124 have several elements in common, starting with AAW radar and VLS/missiles.
The last "cousins" I'll mention are the Norwegian Nansen and Spanish F100, though the Nansen are somewhat smaller, but both have Aegis and VLS compatible with SM2 & ESSM.



Active Member
Verified Defense Pro
i was talking about the APAR LCFs being cousins to the type 124.
new news about the sale of the last two M frigates to be sold to an unnamed NATO country

so many cuts in the dutch navy!
State Secretary of Defence Van der Knaap (jun 16th, 2006)

"We have, as it happens, concluded a letter of intent with a NATO country concerning sale of two remained M-fregatten. I have only agreed with that country that the internal procedure must be wound up firstly, before I can bring this to outside."

Source: Tweede Kamer (House of Commons), vergaderjaar (Session) 2005–2006, 30 550 X, nr. 10

The commission for defence has presented a number of questions to the State Secretary of Defence concerning the letter of the State Secretary of Defence dd 18 May 2006 concerning three need reviews which determine part of the Navy study 2005 (kamerstuk 30,300 X, no. 95). The State Secretary answered these questions by letter of 6 September 2006.

"After shedding four M-frigates the Netherlands preserves a capacity of six frigates; namely, four LC-frigates and two M-frigates. With Belgium it has been contractual agreed that two M-frigates will be transferred in the beginning of 2007 and the beginning 2008. Concerning the remaining two M-frigates to be shed from service, contract negotiations are on-going, but it is expected that these ships will be transferred late 2008 and end 2009. In view of the anticipated required time for making the last ship sales-ready she is expected to be decommissined from service by late 2008."

Source: Tweede Kamer (House of Commons), vergaderjaar (Session) 2005–2006, 30 300 X, nr. 138

The last letter also mentions that the M-frigates may be transferred prior to the delivery and commisioning of any new patrol ships (corvettes).


New Member
Clearly the Dutch are cutting too much, though the De Zeven Provincen AAW FFGs are real wonders. Latest news had them ready to be equipped with SM-2 IV (ATBM capability mentioned) and Tomahawk cruise missiles. Wow.



New Member
Oslo class

The OSLO Class has done its time. It would be unsuitable for warmer climates and shallow water use with it's single screw steam turbine plant. But the 3"50 guns would be good for coastal/inshore use as they are simplistic and great in local control.

Paraguay needs purpose built riverine craft.

I'm certain the Dutch have a strategy in hand and atleast they are making some money off used warships before they are a hinderence to their own Navy.