As I recall, back during the late 1980s, early 1990s, the US Navy wished for 29 Arleigh Burke class DDGs. They were so good, the navy built more. I believe 62 ships will be built eventually, more than enough to replace the previous classes of AAW warships. The Spruances are being replaced by the last of the new Arleigh Burkes. The US Navy is not hurting at the high end of escorts, but at the low end of escorts.
Many of the frigates are being decommissioned now and in the near future. Unless the LCS program takes off, the US navy will be missing many ocean escorts. If not the LCS program of ships, there is the possibility that the new national security cutters will be built in numbers to replace the frigates or a combination of LCSs and NSCs. With the end of the Cold War the US Navy isn't so concerned with the low end, other than to build up numbers to reach a fleet goal of 300 ships. The US Navy has never considered frigates as front line vessels.