merocaine said:
OK ok deep breaths,
I agree Israel is basicily a european state surrounded by arabs, and in most achidemics eyes its sitting on land that was once legally owned by arabs. That is pretty much a even as far as I am concerned. But I dont believe Jewish americans run or even greatly influence american forigen policy.
I also believe that Israel is a very useful american allie for the Americans. America also sells tanks and jets to saudi and Cario, who's TV stations spew out mindless anti semetic crap all the time. Cario is one free election from a fundementalist state, if Israel had that much infulence do you not think they could have prevented those sales?
All you have to do is watching the election reports on CNN or other american news stations during a presidential election.
I'm pretty sure you will hear things like:
"Florida surely goes to candidate A because he is known to be a especially strong supporter of Israel...."
Just ask an american about that. I'd be pretty surprised if he would share your a bit naive opinion on that matter.
This is not a conspiracy theory, it is a well known and accepted every day political fact in the USA.
The supporters of Israel are not the only group doing a strong lobby work, by far. They are just one of that groups that determine US policy by directing votes.
If there would have been a few million more arab voters than jewish in the USA during the last decades, don't you think the policy of the USA might have looked a bit different?
Assuming that would be rather naive.
About the soviets, Israel was supported by the French to a much greater degree
until the 6 days war, when the french denied resupply to the Israelies to try and stop the war, Israel turned to the americans.
Yes, and in what way does that contradict or disprove the things i said? It rather confirms them, because it shows that the americans would have been happy to leave the support of Israel to somebody else (becaus ethey knew that it would be rather counter productive on a larger, global scale) and only assumed the role of the big brother when there was nobody else to do it.
The US was all ears as Nasser, although he did'ent trust the Soviets, was getting hugh amounts of aid and weapons. Israel was a way to counter balance soviet influence.
I talked about that in my last post and you didn't say anything yet that would be a reason to change my mind.
At the end of the day the soviets were forced out of ejypet in the 70's and Cario made a seperate peace with the Israelies.
That was realpolitic in action. The US and the Israelies have been best mates since, but that doesent mean the relationship is not baced on real stratigic fundementals. Even today the US will bitch slap Israel when they think there getting out of Line in there relationship with the chinese.
I'm not talking about the end of the day, but about the morning of that day.
That might be the misunderstanding between us, because frankly it doesn't really seem as if you would have understood the things i wrote in my last posting.
Like i said, there wouldn't have been any sovjet influence in the Middle East without the arabs being so desperate to get rid of Israel.
Ask an arab about this. What else reasons should they have had to ally with a regime that so thoroughly opposes everything the people in that region traditionally hold dear?
The arab mentality clearly has much more in common with the USA than with the Sovjets. Israel has pretty much been the only thing standing between the arabs and the USA becoming best buddies.
The British face a series of arab revolts from Palistine to iraq to yemen before they got out, so i dont know where your getting this happy colonials idea.
If you want to blame someone blame the british and the arbitary way they divided the middle east up. Iraq is a good example to start with, it should never have been a country in the first place, it is a crisses, always has been one and that has nothing to do with Israel.
Personally it takes a lot of guts to stick your neck out like that as german, so respect.
I'm not blaming anybody. I just don't care who kills whom there. I wouldn't care what the Israelis do with Libanon or how much the Iranians hate the Israels and vice versa. I'm just taking part in a theoretical and hopefully logical discussion about a matter of recent actuality.
Being german doesn't mean i can't see political connections and it doesn't prevent me from talking about what i see - especially since i never thought much about this things untill i started to chat with americans, israelis and arabs through the internet.
I know that cheap trick of hammering down a discussion you are about to lose by calling the other a Nazi thoroughly, mate, and i'm not intimidated by it anymore.
That only discredits you, not me.