This is one of the most sexist comments I have ever heard. Glamour? Like that's everything. Shame on you ...
You must have missed this comment of mine:
If women can meet the standards required for men, though I have no problem with them serving in arms corps units.
What I have a problem with is apologists like you who think that people have some sort of "right" to something that they are currently denied. Women can NOT do "everything that a man can do" no matter how much you might wish this to be so and this is the basis for my opposition (in general) to women in roles where the differences in physical performance WILL be an issue.
This is not sexist thinking in my opinion, nor is it a "military" non-freedom loving mindset. I don't personally think anyone should be allowed to perform a role in the military they are incapable of performing. In the military people WILL die if incompetent persons are allowed to perform roles, they can't competently perform.
If you think men and women are equally physically capable, then I suggest you watch the upcoming Bejing Olympics and take note of the times, weights etc.
I have no issues with ANY of those other "things" you raised (rape, menstruation etc) in the military. Everyone in the military is aware of the risks they face. Or should be.
What I have an issue with is the lowering of physical standards to allow for a "disenfranchised" group to meet them. Being an infantry or artillery or special forces soldier is a tough job and the standards required to be able to successfully perform that role should be high and equal for all persons.
I would be in favour of RAINF/RAA introducing a "barrier" type test along the lines the Special Forces use, for prospective soldiers. If women can pass it and want to serve in an infantry/artillery unit, no problems, off you go to the relevent unit.
Both male and female persons should undertake it to further show that it is fair. Both get the same basic standard to meet. I don't think anything could be fairer than that.
If one can't meet it, well perhaps something else might be the best option...
Any personal inability to perform at the required level will only drag down the capability of the units they are trying for, regardless of the sex of the failed applicant.
If that's sexist, tough. I don't really care. I'd rather have that on my conscience than have to tell somebodies family that they are no longer with us, because their comrades were allowed to serve in a role they weren't capable of performing.