Sounds like someone who has never seen artillery in action nor studied it’s effect on the battlefield.
If NZ is going to have any pretence of combat forces able to even approach anything like actual conflict, removing your artillery capability, minimal though it may be, is akin to suicide.
If Ukraine the biggest drone user on the planet currently relies so heavily on artillery to offset it’s numerical disadvantage, how could it possibly be in NZ’s interest to remove it’s sole long range (ish) strike capability and no longer offer fires support to NZ’s miniscule and very light forces?
The reality is, if you are imagining (let alone preparing) NZ’s Army to actually fight someone else (even just in defence) then you are going to need all the fires you can possibly get your hands on to offset your very small combat force disadvantage.
The reality is, that unless NZ intends to drop even the current pretence their forces are designed to engage in any way at any level of intensity in combat, then you need MORE artillery, not less of it.