Agree, I’d also like to see Austal move past the Evolved Capes and build something a bit bigger and more capable, an OCV for duel BF/RAN use.
You could get overseas yards to help out.
Team Vigilance is a collaboration between Vard Marine, Ontario Shipyards, Thales Canada, SH Defence, and Fincantieri. The Vigilance Next Generation Naval Vessel was launched at CANSEC 2023. It is tailored to the future needs of the Royal Canadian Navy and aims to replace the Kingston Class...
(My attempt to move back onto a naval theme and away from those pesky flying things).
I think this is an interesting point Reptilia. Despite the issues with the Arafura class, I view there is a need for a hardened OPV type vessel. We just don't know it yet.
We have a massive near ocean to protect, extending all the way out to Norfolk Island, and down to Antarctica and as far west as Herd Island. Like it or not, either we increase our presence in the Pacific Islands or China will. Locally run Guardians will get overwhelmed in the not too distant future.
I think we will find out the hard way over the next 12 months that China has a very capable blue water navy that can be in lots of places at once, and their ocean going fishing fleet can act like a locust swarm wherever it wants.
I suspect as the current constabulary workload (primarily illegal fishing and immigration, plus search and rescue), morphs more into territorial enforcement (para military, maritime militia, military patrols) our frigates will get pulled back into coast guarding duties out of sheer necessity.
So as soon as we get really good warfighting platforms they will get sucked into local protection. Hugely expensive, and stops us doing other things like maintaining international sea lanes or escorting high value assets. Just what China wants. Tie us down in our own area.
An OPV, appropriately hardened, could do this workload, unfortunately a Cape could not.
I get the argument these cannot take on Chinese type 55s, but that is not the mission.
At the moment there is no impetus to change, however with China now electing to cause a problem in our back yard (I expect this to get worse), I can see a changing requirement. It will be interesting to see how this gets reflected in the next National Defence Strategy if/when we see a stronger Chinese presence in our local waters. In gerneral I wouldn't be surprised if we start to see significant and rapid change in each new NDS release as the situation deteriorates.
My personal crystal ball (not always accurate) says that the Arafuras will suddenly become highly valuable and the armchair critics (of which I will be one) will bemoan not having 12, and not having them better equipped.
It might spur a look at something a bit more robust, say an updated RN River Class. Perhaps a third batch with a collapsable hangar for proper helo work. It has the range and speed to intercept and ability to work in rough seas for long patrols. And it is tough enough to cope with passive/agressive behaviour. And small enough crew to not be too burdensome on the fleet.
I think this goes with more P8s and Tritons, perhaps with basing or at least refuelling off some of our islands (Norfolk and Christmas)