

The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
Those up to 5800 "Trucks, Offroad, Light" do have the same designation as the Wolf jeeps they're replacing. They'll probably find some new animal name for it.

And it's just an updated Wolf on the current drive frame - a Mercedes-Benz G-class 4.5 Station Wagon. Mercedes-Benz has been trying to pitch that for the Wolf successor for about 2-3 years now. The vehicle frame for the new vehicles (G-class Series 464) is the same as for the up to 2500 Caracal jeeps ordered for German airborne troops (also replacing Wolf there), just with a proper car body placed on it.

Apparently the military refit of the vehicles will be provided by Binz Automotive. They're a specialized vehicle refit company that mostly delivers general emergency vehicles (rescue, police, firefighting, disaster relief - we're talking batch deliveries of hundreds of vehicles per year there). A bit notably they only do "light" vehicles though - their current order of 180 GKW squad trucks for disaster relief agency THW is the first vehicle series of above 15 tons GVW they're producing.

Binz is also currently the subcontracting outfitter for the UVT(gl) unprotected medical vehicles for the Bundeswehr of which about 500 are under delivery (since Q1/23 until 2027). Funnily they don't really advertise that at all, even if they have the pictures of it on their website ... on a page trying to sell their competing offer on a Unimog truck instead of the Iveco truck chosen.
For the Bundeswehr they were the company that provided 1800 Unimog KrKW ambulances from 1984 on - that was before they moved the company to East Germany. In more recent time they mostly seem to have outfitted containerized hospitals for them.

For the 1200 in the initial batch of the "Truck, Offroad, Light" 90 are planned for military police and 1110 as general command/communications vehicles. All vehicles will receive either D-LBO MTN (Mobile Tactical Node) or D-LBO MTC-F4 (Mobile Tactical Client) hardware installed, which is not part of the contract but provided by the Bundeswehr from separate contracts - the cost for this D-LBO hardware plus navigation systems has been stated to be another 292 million, i.e. effectively doubling the price of the complete vehicle.

The procurement is staggered out to 2032 partly since the Bundeswehr was pretty much buying smaller batches of Wolf all the way up till end of production of the old G-class Series 461 frame. The last batch was 700 G300 "Greenliner" in 2020 procured through BwFuhrparkService as "commercial vehicles with special equipment".

First 5 prototypes are planned to already be delivered before end of this year btw.
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The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
Disaster Relief Agency THW is long-term financing a research project for a tactical UGV for transport duties - called ROMATRIS, "robotic material transport in havoc areas".

The project entered the application test stage this year and the current model ("KRATOS") after a number of tests at THW's main training center was field-tested for the first time during an exercise in Bremerhaven port a few weeks ago (it mostly was used to carry sandbags and some heavier equipment, e.g. a 120-kg power generator):

(you may want to skip the first 30 seconds)

The focus of the research project is not on the vehicle capabilities themselves (you can buy that off-the-shelf pretty much, and they've been testing a bunch of vehicles within the project over the last four years), but instead in optimizing its handling for very rough environmental conditions. The vehicle being developed is supposed to support recovery squads working e.g. in debris fields after building collapses and similar.

As a somewhat more ambitious part beyond the now relatively usual UGV movement modes ("remote control", "follow personnel", "learn route and autonomously run it after pressing button") it is also supposed to be able to be directed by nearby personnel without a remote control - by gestures only. And it's supposed to do that under the same rough conditions, i.e. possibly in darkness, with debris in the way etc.


The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
"several million" rounds of 7.62x51mm ammunition, belted, for machine guns for 452 million Euro. Includes replacement of ammunition delivered to Ukraine.
Contract for this has been signed.

The belted ammunition procured under this is specifically for MG6, i.e. Dillan Aero M134D gatling guns. Apparently M134D only work with soft core / NATO ball ammunition (which isn't used in any other German 7.62mm MGs...).

MG6 are used in the Bundeswehr by special forces (on helicopters, boats, Serval vehicles and from tripods) as well as more recently also with the air force security regiment.

Dillan Europe recently presented an (ITAR-free, German-developed and -produced) upgrade for the M134D that would - among other improvements - allow switching to regular hardened core ammunition.


The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
Germany is joining the Finnish Common Armoured Vehicle System (CAVS) programme, with a statement of intent to that effect signed at Eurosatory.
Joining the programme for Germany has to be seen in the context of looking for a 6x6 armoured vehicle as a successor to Fuchs in most of its roles.
Looks like the Ministry of Defense has now definitively settled on CAVS as the intended Fuchs successor.

During a visit to a KNDS factory last week minister Pistorius announced that "we're planning to also build the Fuchs successor here once we have approval from the parliament". KNDS/KMW is cooperating with Patria in offering CAVS.


The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
The German Federal Police has issued a tender for replacing its medium Super Puma (AS332L1) and light Dauphin (EC155B) transport helicopters with a new unitary model. Planned investment for 39 helicopters + 5 options is up to about 1.8 billion Euro, to be delivered in a timeframe 2022 to 2032.
The Federal Ministry of the Interior has by now chosen H225 Super Puma to replace their AS332/EC155 fleet. Contract announced in June is for 38 + 6 options, cost 1.9 billion Euro, delivery 2029 to 2035. Also includes two flight simulators, cabin and winch simulator, toolkits, training and early-life maintenance.


The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
One of the original "100 billion fund" projects is slowly being realized:
P.S. The project list being discussed in the defense committee today apparently additionally includes:
  • Space Situational Awareness system incl. control center
Germany has now ordered a space surveillance radar from Spanish company Indra (announced yesterday, but apparently contract was signed in December). The system bought is an "improved" adaption of Indra's S3TSR that they previously delivered to the Spanish Space Command, that means likely the V2i version that has been under development since ca 2022 - which they advertised as having ballistic missile detection and tracking capability.

The radar will be integrated for Germany as part of "L-GUARD" ("LEO Groundbased Upscaled AESA Radar"), which as a project was apparently only finalized and named in January this year.
It augments two telescopes for LEO to GEO optical surveillance that were ordered last August through a general contracting company from domestic manufacturers.


The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
Follow-on to this:
Polaris Raumflugzeuge's research continues getting sponsored by the Bundeswehr.

After getting a contract for a study for military applications of their spaceplane project they got a contract to build demonstrators and just now got a contract to develop linear aerospike engines (LAS) to put on them.
The LAS was successfully fired in-flight over the Baltic Sea in October last year. The test-firing was delayed since their demonstrator aircraft MIRA was damaged during takeoff in early 2024. Polaris built two new 5m scale demonstrators to replace it, Mira II and Mira III. Mira II was used to test-fire the LAS. Plans for 2025 are to build NOVA as their next 8m, 2-ton scale demonstrator iteration.

Polaris since this week now has a new contract from the Bundeswehr to design a "two-stage, horizontally launching, fully reusable hypersonic research aircraft". The contract includes options for production of a full-scale demonstrator and flight tests. Primary purpose of the aircraft to be designed is to serve as a "hypersonic testbed" and "experimental platform" for defense-related and scientific research. Secondary purpose is to serve as a small satellite launcher using a non-reusable upper stage.

Polaris plans to develop a prototype for launch of up to 1000 kg into orbit by 2028, with an alternative use as a reconnaissance aircraft inside and outside the atmosphere.

Since they're currently at a stage where they're performing regular test flights of demonstrators - about 120 in 2024 - instead of individual campaigns they opened a second company site at the Peenemünde airfield last month. Besides the hypersonic stuff they're also working on developing and testing AI routines for inflight refueling for their unmanned aircraft, which was tested through automated formation flights of demonstrators last year.

DLR, i.e. the German Space Agency, has a cooperation project with Polaris since last year to evaluate safe integration of such aircraft/launchers into their launch coordination center and German airspace.


Well-Known Member
Looks like the Ministry of Defense has now definitively settled on CAVS as the intended Fuchs successor.

During a visit to a KNDS factory last week minister Pistorius announced that "we're planning to also build the Fuchs successor here once we have approval from the parliament". KNDS/KMW is cooperating with Patria in offering CAVS.
Looking back, this is a really odd decision. Now Germany will operate the Boxer and CAVS alongside the Piranha 5.



The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
Now Germany will operate the Boxer and CAVS alongside the Piranha 5.
Piranha V in 6x6 was already (tentatively) chosen previously for the new recce vehicles ("Korsak"). Both orders together would be around 450 vehicles.
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Well-Known Member
Piranha V in 6x6 was already (tentatively) chosen previously for the new recce vehicles ("Korsak"). Both orders together would be around 450 vehicles.
Seems it was overtaken by CAVS. In the first article I found, it said it was preferred over CAVS, but no final decision was made.