What you are trying to do is use logic to determine what Trump will do.
Sure, it makes no sense for any "normal" U.S. president to cancel AUKUS.
But Trump is not a normal President.
He could turn around and say that any deal signed by Biden is by definition a "BAD" deal.
If things with China heat up, he might say that the U.S. can't afford to give submarines to Australia.
He is so unpredictable that it is impossible to say with any certainty that he will do A or he will do B.
For myself too many mixed messages re spending on defence in the USA.
On the one hand all chest out and wanting to be strong with a military shift that prioritises the Asia Pacific over Europe.
The other is wanting to dramatically cut government spending with defence not exempt from budget savings.
Domestic budget cuts I believe will “trump” defence expenditure and also suggest US military intervention going forward.
Military isolationism will feature under Trumps watch.
Whatever the words re North Asia , I don’t see boots on the ground.
Watch this space!
I can envisage Trump going ,”well you know we have peace in the Middle East and Europe and really that China country is not to bad.”
“We all like Chinese food and the Taiwanese also eat Chinese food so really they should be one big happy country”.
You know just like they use to be !!!!!!!! ??????
So in a Trumpian way , no war , no need for such large defence expenditure .
So what can we cut back or dispense with.
Virginia Class subs offer many options for and against in this Trumpian Space,
Now that someone has explained what AUKUS is what would a business man do?
This is the space Australia and the RAN sits
A void of predictability.
Cheers S