I don't think think Mr O’Rourke understands any of the history and even why we are seeking such capabilities, and history behind such capabilities being provided by others on promises and assurances.
Wonder how this reads elsewhere, US unable to meeting modest previously agreed Australian request. Flakey.
I also dislike how it often reads like Australia is the cause for all of the US's woes in submarine fleet numbers. Like everything will be fine and super if these pesky Australians just didn't want submarines.
Also that for Chinese aggression to occur to Australian territory, US lead order would likely have already collapsed, Guam wiped off the map Taiwan invaded, Japan and Korea crushed, US withdrawn and broken.. And that we would be left by ourselves to use B21's to fend for ourselves. Again my problem with the B21 plan, is what are we using a US USAF strategic strike aircraft for? With no naval strike capability? Striking mainland China? Unescorted? 18 hrs each way? With bombs made here? With bombers reliant on a US supply chain? Against China? By ourselves? Is the US also planning to just drop conventional bombs launched from CONUS on B21's as their only plan to deter China?
B-21 only have a ~4000km range, great, we can ditch them into the sea at around the Philippines, just like where our are B-17's are in the water just off Del monte airfield, where they had to ditch, trying to rescue MacArthur.
Does this stuff not get even some US peer reviewal? Do they not read the room? Makes them sound like an arsehats? Im pretty salty about this idea.. I hope someone in uniform sits Mr O'Rourke down and explains in clear and eloquently some history. I know its just a paper, but the writers perspective is pretty annoying, I would hate to see more wacky thought along these lines.
Its annoying because part of AUKUS was to build and improve production capability across all AUKUS partners. The idea that it is just a drain on US resources is stupid. I can think of plenty of other things that are a drain on US resources. We paid money to improve US production capability, we are building our own production capability, the end result is more production and support capability.
I also find it amusing that some of the Americans think Australia isn't going to be using the submarines in exactly the same aims as they would. Like they will just be trawling around the Australian coast.
Maybe we do need the UK as partners in the program. How are the UK submarines going? I saw some video's on their development, seems like they are pretty far along with their development.