Italian Navy Discussions and Updates


Well-Known Member
Can you maybe add some information/context?
Is it scheduled for commissioning soon?
It is undergoing minor works before the commissioning ceremony that will take place early 2024 in Trieste ( for obvious reasons, since the ship was named after the city ).
The ship traveled from La Spezia naval base to Trieste, more than 2000km.

Here's a nice picture made before the ship entered the drydock.
link: Trieste 4.jpg


Well-Known Member
This is a picture, made last month, of the Riva Trigoso shipyards ( FIncantieri ).
2 FREMMs ( F589 and F598 ), 1 PPA ( P436? ) and a block of the LSS ATLANTE can be seen.
Massive shipbuilding for a relatively small facility.
Another PPA is almost finished in the La Spezia Muggiano Shipyard.
Between the end of this year and next year, Fincantieri will launch 4-5 major vessels:
2 PPAs ( the last two, completing the program )



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Italian MoD’s Defence Planning Document 2023-2025: New naval and joint programs - Naval News
The Italian MOD has released a planning document for naval and joint programs, amongst possible new programs, are.
Evolved FREMM Frigates
An Article making the point of the future of the MMI

I see they are looking at an evolved FREMM, the FREMM EVO. 3x16,500t LPDs, will be interesting to see if they are a Through Deck design or a more traditional aft flight deck.


Super Moderator
The new amphibious ships will replace the three Santi, much smaller through-deck LPDs. That doesn't guarantee that they'll be through-deck, though.

Amphibs with a dock & a full length deck have traditionally been called LHDs, following USN classifications. I think the Santi didn't because they were too small & with no hangar. Tbh, I think they're a bit difficult to fit into the standard USN terminology.

It's fairly typical of what the Marina Militare is doing at the moment, e.g. Giuseppe Garibaldi, a very small Harrier-carrier, is being replaced by Trieste, an LHD with over twice the displacement.


Well-Known Member
Italian MoD’s Defence Planning Document 2023-2025: New naval and joint programs - Naval News
The Italian MOD has released a planning document for naval and joint programs, amongst possible new programs, are.
Evolved FREMM Frigates

I see they are looking at an evolved FREMM, the FREMM EVO. 3x16,500t LPDs, will be interesting to see if they are a Through Deck design or a more traditional aft flight deck.
Yes, FREMM EVOs were fitted into this year's budget (only preliminary costs ofc) and are expected to start building process in the next years.
Speculations are:
- same dual band radar as on the PPAs (X and C band, 4 fixed faces)
- still 16 or 32 VLS ( 16xA50 for Aster 30B1NT and possibly 16xA70 for SCALP NAVAL and/or FC/ASW)
- focused on ASW capabilities, same 1x127mm and 1x76mm artillery.

The new amphibious ships will replace the three Santi, much smaller through-deck LPDs. That doesn't guarantee that they'll be through-deck, though.

Amphibs with a dock & a full length deck have traditionally been called LHDs, following USN classifications. I think the Santi didn't because they were too small & with no hangar. Tbh, I think they're a bit difficult to fit into the standard USN terminology.

It's fairly typical of what the Marina Militare is doing at the moment, e.g. Giuseppe Garibaldi, a very small Harrier-carrier, is being replaced by Trieste, an LHD with over twice the displacement.
Rumors are that the new ships (that, by the way, shouldn't be far from the start of the building process) won't be full-deck but instead classical LPD design, just like (its just an example of course, the two classes are completely different in size) the San Antonio.


Well-Known Member
Mare Aperto 24-1 / POLARIS 24 kicked off in the Mediterranean Sea.
This year, at its peak, the exercise will see a battle between the italian Cavour Carrier Strike Group and the french Charles de Gaulle Carrier Strike Group.
The two fleets, after fighting each other, will then work together and exercise together for many days to improve european cooperation.
Ships from the two countries will mix between the two Carrier strike groups and a joint italian-french command will observe the entire operation.


Well-Known Member
Mixed italian-french fleet formation.
Operation Polaris 24/ Mare Aperto 24 is going to end in the coming days after intense training between various european navies, in particular Italian and French forces.


The Bunker Group

AW609 Tiltrotor conduct first trial aboard Cavour. So far Leonardo seems aim two functions for this Tiltrotor, Cargo transport and Maritime Surveillance (MPA). Perhaps in the later function, ASW and ASuW can also be added.

Who knows, this can turn out to be more affordable lighter alternative for V-22.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure it can carry passengers and other light roles but it has no rear access or heavy cargo carrying capacity e.g. f35 engines



The Bunker Group
V-22 is being use as Greyhound replacement for COD role. Still asside USN, no other navies has need for dedicated COD in that size all the time. Still for personal, medical evac or even light parts fast transport, this AW609 still can work out well. Though I personally suspect the later function as Maritime Surveillance can be more attractive. Vertical Take off and Landing means it can be disperse on small and remote islands or bases.