Military Aviation News and Discussion


Well-Known Member
IAI reveals an air-launched version of its LORA quasi-ballistic missile.
It's curious that despite the significant kinetic capabilities of ballistic missiles, they say its impact velocity is supersonic.

Now all of Israel's 3 major defense companies offer air launched ballistic missiles as prime contractors.
Rafael with its Sparrow target missile family and operational derivative Rocks,
Elbit with its Rampage (co-developed and produced with IAI),
And IAI with its Air Lora.

We can always assume some gap between declared and actual capabilities. But what this revelation tells us is that Israel is heavily investing in ballistics and wants to adapt them to a wide range of missions.


Well-Known Member
Not just any ballistics, but air launched versions. To me, it is very clear why.

It will make launches far more unpredictable (more discrete flight profiles/coming from different vectors, compared to a ballistic profile) compared to surface launched SSMs, probably lower cost. It will still retain certain, favourable ballistic missile characteristics such as high terminal speed compared to conventional cruise missiles.


The Bunker Group

Airbus show case their wingman prototype in Berlin Airshow. This trend for Wingman Drones whether come from Boeing-Aussie Loyal Wingman, China, Russia and now Airbus all depends on capabilities of the AI being developed.

The capabilities of the AI in my opinion will determine the scope of independence the wingman drones will be. Whether the drones still depends on the human pilots (thus need to be pair with double seats fighters like F-15E or Su-30), or much more independent that can be pair with any single seats fighters with very minimum control from the human pilots.


Well-Known Member
Forgot to add this one. When IAI debuted the Air LORA, it also unveiled the Wind Demon - an affordable light cruise missile for ranges of >200km.


While seemingly not particularly unique, it is interesting that Israel's wide range of cruise missiles, old and new - Gabriel, Delilah, Sea/Ice Breaker, and Wind Demon, all come in different weight classes and with different technologies, but share the same range - between 200-300km.
This, despite the fact that Israel's enemies have an abundance of targets at ranges between hundreds of km and up to 3,000km.


The Bunker Group
Thai AF seems want to procure either F-16V or Gripen E. Either way aiming either both means Thai want to upgrade on their existing models. Half Billion dollars more likely they can get batch of 6-8 fighter.

On contrary to the post I make, base on information in February this year, seems Thai still has not give final decisions yet on which Aircract they are going to use. Thus asside Philippines, seems sales battle between F-16V vs Gripen NG also still happening in Thailand.


Well-Known Member
The EU launched the ESOCA program.
ESOCA (European System for Outsized Cargo Airlift) aims to develop a new european-built military strategic airlifter for outsized cargo.
The objective of the program is to replace the current fleet of An-124, extensively used by the EU for their needs but that since the start of the war in Ukraine has been progressively more difficult to operate.
The program will start as soon as possibile with the preliminary studies funded by the EU.
The consortium is made of more than a dozen companies and it is led by Airbus Defence and Leonardo.

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John Fedup

The Bunker Group
The EU launched the ESOCA program.
ESOCA (European System for Outsized Cargo Airlift) aims to develop a new european-built military strategic airlifter for outsized cargo.
The objective of the program is to replace the current fleet of An-124, extensively used by the EU for their needs but that since the start of the war in Ukraine has been progressively more difficult to operate.
The program will start as soon as possibile with the preliminary studies funded by the EU.
The consortium is made of more than a dozen companies and it is led by Airbus Defence and Leonardo.

Perhaps moving A-124 production to the EU along with EU modernization might be a faster option.


Well-Known Member
We do have a proposal made by Antonov's former President and Chief engineer Dmytro Kiva.
This was then submitted to the Ukrainian Government, but the ESOCA project's first phase is in fact to study all the possibilities, so we will likely have to wait until next year.

This is the proposal:
– The aerodynamics and the layout of the aircraft shall be based on the An-124-100.
– And the engines should be either the British Rolls Royce or the American General Electric.
– Install a modern “glasscockpit” cockpit with navigation equipment for the pilot (Thales, Honeywell).
– Replace some equipment and systems with European and Western ones. Transfer project documentation and paper technology to digital.
– The pressed wing panels, 28 meters long, must be replaced with European-made structure.
– Work on new modernized aircraft should be carried out by Airbus, Antonov and other European companies.
– The wings of the aircraft were to be produced in the UK, parts of the fuselage in Germany, parts of the units at Antonov and final assembly in France.
– The development of this updated aircraft will take 4-5 years and will cost approximately $3 billion.

Note that this is of course a proposal aimed at western nations in general, but since ESOCA is an EU program all the US and UK made components are of course to be excluded.
I personally believe that the choice will be to develop a new aircraft.
The last AN-124 was built 20 years ago...


Super Moderator
Yes, An-124 production ended in 2024. Restarting it would be a very big project, much bigger than moving a current or recently closed line. There'd be a lot of new design work to be done, & "Transfer project documentation and paper technology to digital" would be a major job.

Note that this is of course a proposal aimed at western nations in general, but since ESOCA is an EU program all the US and UK made components are of course to be excluded.
To get a four-engined freighter of similar performance to the An-124 would need a jet engine bigger than any built by any EU member. The only suitable engines I can see are American, or Rolls-Royce. Excluding all US & UK made components would mean any EU An-124 equivalent would be a glider, or have a lot of engines.

John Fedup

The Bunker Group
If the EU decides to develop their own large turbofan engine for a large strategic airlifter, hopefully it is less painful than the A400M engine development.


The Bunker Group
Thus asside Philippines, seems sales battle between F-16V vs Gripen NG also still happening in Thailand.

Seems Thai AF studies opted to Choose Gripen NG over F-16V. Final decisions will be depend with Thailand PM, but AF studies ussualy going to influence much. This deal going to replace 12 unmodified F-16 A/B.


The Bunker Group

US fight back to ensure F-16V got pick, despite Thai AF study shown preferences toward Gripen.


The Bunker Group

Put it here and not in USAF thread, as seems Boeing want to offer this not only domestically but also on export. In fact base on the tone of the article, seems F-15EX/G aim mostly to Export.

Seems Boeing going to pursue on termination of Shortnet line, as after losses on India Naval bid to Rafale M, no other potential comes. Growler I also being inform, as Boeing offering to potential F-15 cust. At least that's what I heard in here, when Boeing put their case in Jakarta for F-15EX. So adding Growler kits can be attractive for certain customers. F-15 is the option that seems they are offering also to those market that before take options for Flankers.


The Bunker Group

Netherlands and Austria sign joint procurement of C390 with Embrear. The number of procurement is 9 divided into 5 for Netherlands and 4 for Austria. For me what's more significant is continuesly C390 deal mostly to replace legacy C130.

This means Embrear manage to reduce LM C-130J market. Not that means it is going to be problem yet for C-130J, as their sales still outstrip C390. However means it is increasingly eating their pie.

So far mostly it is still in Europe. However if they manage to get South Korea, it is potentially outstrip Euro deal so far. If they manage to get India (which already J's user) for their next batch medium airlifter deal, it is potentially going to be more contagious them ROK deal to other current Asian C-130 legacy users.