Indonesian Aero News


Active Member
Social Media chatter seems to say that there's a high possibility the post is a typo or miscomunication, and the A330 they're referring is the VIP A330 they bought recently. I think this is what is most likely the case, since there has almost no news regarding this.


The Bunker Group
I'm sceptical on that VIP A330. It is talk as having capabilities for VIP traveling, but also has abilities for fast conversion. That's basically MRTT specifications. It can be fast converted to transport (personal even VIP), cargo handling, and Tankers. Airbus build MRTT with fast change modules. That's one big attraction of A330 MRTT toward Boeing KC-46.


Active Member
Well I'm glad if it's actually MRTT they bought. But, I'm keeping my expectation in check since the news seems to have come out of nowhere.


The Bunker Group
Euro salesman suddenly add more tweet saying that MRTT contract is hoax. Well it could be a typo from MinDef official. However usually they're quite fast to take it down or rewrite their info in online media.

However if they're keeping it, then it means some Euro contract by pass him as Salesman. If that happen that will hurt his credibility hard. Talking trash on Non Euro deals is one thing, being left put on Euro deals, now that's hurt.


Active Member
Hypothethically, suppose MinDef purchase the aircraft using their annual budget, wouldn't it bypass the blue book and green book since it doesn't use loan?


The Bunker Group
There's other options on government procurement that doesn't need to be in Green Book or Blue Book.

1. They don't use loan (as you mentioned), or
2. They use domestic loan.

Other scenario theoretically can be use to bypass, is the external loan being taken by SOE. SOE is own by government, but not part of government budget. The only time they are cross government budget is when they give profit divident to MOF (as ultimate shareholders), or when MOF decided to give capital injection.

Theoretically the plane can be finance through Garuda for example. Garuda can take loan to convert their A330-200 to MRTT in their MRO Subsidiary with Airbus supervision. This practically being talked before. After that Garuda then can lease it to Government use as MRTT in AF Fleet. It's far fetch in my opinion, as Garuda financial conditions is still in recovery mode, but theoretically can be done.

Just shown some potential scenarios that can be done, without using overseas credit to Government budget (DRPLN/Green-Blue book).
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Sandhi Yudha

Well-Known Member
Euro salesman suddenly add more tweet saying that MRTT contract is hoax. Well it could be a typo from MinDef official. However usually they're quite fast to take it down or rewrite their info in online media.

However if they're keeping it, then it means some Euro contract by pass him as Salesman. If that happen that will hurt his credibility hard. Talking trash on Non Euro deals is one thing, being left put on Euro deals, now that's hurt.
I don't think that there is a typo-error, an Airbus spokesman also confirms that the negotiations about the A330MRTT are in progress.
|"However, the contract for the A330 MRTT appears to require finalisation. “We are pleased that Indonesia has announced its intention to acquire the A330 MRTT, in addition to other assets already in order with Airbus, and we look forward to finalising the details,” an Airbus spokesperson told Janes."|

But the details are indeed still missing.


The Bunker Group
any of you hear chatter about UAE wanting to buy out Indonesia's stake on KF-21 program? Is that real news?
Already put it on KF-21 thread since yesterday.

So far it is still Korean side rumours that's not being officially confirmed by any sides. However considering this administration quite close with UAE, it is possible. As put it on that thread, what's not clear is whether UAE only want to buy portion of Indonesia stake, or the whole stake.

The talk of UAE want to co-op with ROK and Indonesia in KF-21 potentially means Indonesia perhaps only sell portions of its stake. However at present the portion is actually 60% ROK, 20% Indonesia, and 20% KAI. The 20% portion hold by KAI is previously offered to Turks. Turkiye refuse as they want similar share with ROK and make them Equal Partner with ROK and not Junior one like Indonesia. As ROK only want another Junior Partner, Turkiye then goes on with their own TFX. So there's always room for another partner in the program.

In the end even if Indonesia out, it is also possible as this administration not really shown enthusiasm on the project as much as previous administration. This is after all by some in Jokowi's administration considered as SBY's project.

Sandhi Yudha

Well-Known Member

RAAF X (tweet) on TNI-AU and RAAF Elang Ausindo exercise in Menado AB. This is first time RAAF send their F-35A doing exercise with TNI-AU F-16.

Quite interesting on the choice of location. Menado is the North point of Sulawesi Island. Thus near Philippines but not too close to SCS.
Pontianak...Natuna....its not too close to the Spratly Sea....after all it will be in Indonesian airspace. :)


The Bunker Group
Yes, exercise on something that coming from North, but not from SCS. Too obvious if the exercise with Australia being done in Natuna AB.


The Bunker Group

Add this ALKI map (put it once in one of Indonesian thread), to shown perhaps the decision to do Elang Ausindo exercises in Manado AB (up North in Sulawesi/Celebes island) not simply avoiding sensitive SCS issues.

Infact Malaca straits or ALKI 1 as natural Sea lines after SCS can be more difficult for a Navy from North to navigate. It is more likely provide more assets that have to be deal with. For PLAN command, even if you can sail through Malaca strait bypass Indonesian, Singaporean and Malaysian assets, you still to face Indian assets at Nicobar-Andaman.

Actually the less guarded Sea lines are ALKI 3, and it is much wider and deeper sea lines then ALKI 1 or 2. Guarded by much less available assets, and have wider options to navigate. So the Elang Ausindo seems also try to exercise options how to co-op on guarding ALKI 3. For Australian it is also important as ALKI 3 that actually goes straight to Australia and Oceania.

Add video from Defence Australia X/Tweet
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The Bunker Group

Picture of new NC-212i that have new propeler. This is from Indonesian Tweeter Enthusiasts. It is claim to be MTV-27 propeler.

Check it to website of propeller sales agent, and seems confirm it is MTV-27. Whether they decided to source new propeler because previous model out of production, or they decide to go to 5 blade propeller to increase performance. One thing for sure C212 already change propeler from 3 blades, to 4 blades and now 5 blades. I see this more as part to keep up the design with market demand.

Up to for the 4th plane (on this current contract), they still use 4 blade propeller from Dowty. So it is confirmed the picture above from that Tweet is for 5th plane

Picture from Detik. Com
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Sandhi Yudha

Well-Known Member

Picture of new NC-212i that have new propeler. This is from Indonesian Tweeter Enthusiasts. It is claim to be MTV-27 propeler.

Check it to website of propeller sales agent, and seems confirm it is MTV-27. Whether they decided to source new propeler because previous model out of production, or they decide to go to 5 blade propeller to increase performance. One thing for sure C212 already change propeler from 3 blades, to 4 blades and now 5 blades. I see this more as part to keep up the design with market demand.

Up to for the 4th plane (on this current contract), they still use 4 blade propeller from Dowty. So it is confirmed the picture above from that Tweet is for 5th plane

View attachment 50841
Picture from Detik. Com
Thank you for sharing...
This new propeller hasn't only better performance and produces not only less noise, but it seems also that the Garret engines do not need modifications to be suitable for these new 5-blades propellers.

So this is a relatively simple way to improve the NC212i.
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The Bunker Group
Some pictures from Jetphotos on TNI AL MPA's, one is NC-212-400 and other CN-235. The NC-212 MPA's are the ones that aim to replace N-22 Nomad MPA. However so far they can't replace them with this on 1:1 base yet.


Those TNI-AL MPA's in preparation for TNI-AL Air Wing flights as part of Aero display on TNI Aniversary on Thursday.

This one the older version of NC-212-200. It is not build for MPA, but more on general transport. Those are also aim to replace N-22 Nomad of Transport version. There's conflicting report on how much exactly TNI-AL have N-22 Nomad in Inventory, however seems those sources talk in the range of 20-26. Some already modified for MPA purposes, but majority seems still on dual patrol-transport configuration.

As comparison:

This one is N-22 Nomad MPA version on TNI-AL inventory:
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Sandhi Yudha

Well-Known Member
These N22/N24 should have been replaced many years ago. Two decades ago these aircrafts were already obsolete, worn out and known as "the windowmakers".

The NC212i (MPA) is a good replacement, but more suitable will be probably the N219. Sadly almost all programs of IPTN are on hold or as good as dead (with exception of the NC212i, component manufacturing and the finishing/furnishing of imported helicopters).


The Bunker Group
DI N219 already got capital injection to build the production line. However seems the question now is the ongoing future for CN 235. DI so far only got 3 production line for N219, NC212i and CN235. As you put the question is if they are capable to run all three lines productive and competitive enough.

Sandhi Yudha

Well-Known Member
DI N219 already got capital injection to build the production line. However seems the question now is the ongoing future for CN 235. DI so far only got 3 production line for N219, NC212i and CN235. As you put the question is if they are capable to run all three lines productive and competitive enough.
Only the production lines of the NC212 and the CN235 are existing, for the NC212i there are at least 4 left over for TNI-AU and 6 for the Philippines.
How about the CN235, still one in production for Senegal?
The N245 program is dead, and maybe we have to wait another decade to see the N219 in real production.