The situation is becoming worse in Sudan, with the war spreading to other parts of the country, like Darfur.
Sudan's western region of Darfur has seen some of the worst fighting recently, including ethnic attacks.
|"Volgens de Verenigde Naties hebben 25 miljoen mensen, meer dan de helft van de Sudanese bevolking, humanitaire hulp en bescherming nodig. Om aan deze behoeften te kunnen voldoen, is de VN op zoek naar ongeveer 2,6 miljard dollar."|
So because the RSF/Janjawid and Sudan Armed Forces having a devastating war, the people of Sudan need humanitarian assistance and protection, which will cost billions and have to be paid by other countries.
De zware strijd tussen het Sudanese leger en de paramilitaire groepering Rapid Support Forces (RSF) duurt inmiddels al een maand.
I very much appreciate that this is a military forum, not a humanitarian one, but anyone who has ever been near a military conflict knows that the military and humanitarian situations can and do affect one another (for example, we tend to forget that the unrest in Syria at the very, very beginning was because of rising global grain prices coupled with implementation of IMF prescriptions for agricultural reforms in that country -- negative humanitarian impacts resulting from military conflicts are well known and need no examples). I have been following the situation in Sudan for over a quarter of a century now, and it seems to me we have a "both and" situation there, as in there is considerable synergy between military conflict and the humanitarian situation.
Anyway, I am scheduled to attend this event and will report back here if there is any interest:
I hope this link is okay, considering it is purely academic and the speaker is a Tufts expert on Sudan. If not, my apologies to our wonderful mods and understand if you want to zap my post.
@Capt. Ironpants This post is fine. It covers one side of war that we sometimes forget.