There are certainly defence applications where hybrid electric looks ideal. What is not commonly spoken about in the green wave hitting all facets of our lives, is the the most commonly used lithium mix is highly flammable if ruptured or if excess moisture penetration occurs. On top of that, many of the minerals used are less than environmentally friendly …with cobalt, nikel, cadmium, lithium mining all having sketchy environmental and social impacts (Read up cobalt mining in Africa and lithium mining in South America ) and there are serious question marks over the viable supply ( both volume available in the ground and the ability to extract in volume to meet the upcoming demand) if fossil fuelled vehicles go the way of the horse. California is saying no fossil fuelled vehicles from 2035 And what usually happens in California permeates with vehicle specifucation permeates the rest of the world. The cost for the batteries will increase with demand as the formentioned supply will be unable to keep up. apparently 1000kg vehicle battery requires in the order of 5000 tons (yes 5000x weight) of raw materials to be dug up and processed. 5000xTrue, a big compromise in the 90s was having to start our vehicles up to charge the batteries.
Interestingly Oshkosh for instance has been offering diesel electric options for years where their trucks (if so spec'd) to operate as stationary generators as required.