Midtguardian Defence Forces


9. BN. Recon This BN is currently the only BN that has not been fully thought through. It currently operates a number of M 41 light tanks with anti personell radars, Luchs armoured cars and indigionously produced UAVs.

I would be very grateful for any input as to the organizastion and equipement of this BN to service the 1. Div of about 12000 personell.
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10. BN Medical

This BN Fields one medium Field hospital, one ambulance coy, one medivac (dust off) helicopter squadron and Three tactical response teams deploying a team of doctors, ambulances and emergency operating vehicles to units expecting high Levels of casualties. The BN has just taken delivery of 10 brand New Boxer Medical treatment vehicles.


11. BN MP

This is one of the divisions smallest BNs.

It Fields a mobile MP HQ, a patrol coy, an armoured car Coy for rear area Security, a POW intern team constructing and keeping tab of POW camps and a movement Control coy and an intelligence recovery unit.


20. BN Fire support

This BN consists of the original Leo I A 4 squadron of the armored Brigade, this unit beeing replaced in the Brigade by the M1A2 Abrahms. The BN is slotted to provide fire support for the infantry BNs in a linear defence situation and the BN is not able to perform independant operations and lack all support units, these beeing retained in the 5. armoured squadron.


This concludes the TO&E of the 1. divsion. Any comments ord ideas are welcome.

There is also a 2. division containing amongst other thinds the Armoured Brigade, the Heavy Field hospital, the rear area logistics service, the Elite Armoured Rangers, the Military Intelligence BN, the CIPS Central Intelligence Processing Senter, the Special Ops BN, the Army Aviation BN, the four Garrison BNs and several smaller units, ampongst whom you will find a FIBUA unit, a diving unit and others.

I will come back to this at a later time.

There is also, of course, the 1 BN, Divisional HQ BN. This however is a study in itself and can only be presented along with a map/picture of the HQ BN, and I will come back to this as well.
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In this Picture you see a deployed search radar position. On the right hand side you find a AN/TPS-74 3 D phased array search radar With a 240 km range mounted on a M 548 tracked transporter. The small rectangular antenna on the top of the radar is the IFF tranciever. Positioned just a few meters from the radar antenna is a 100 KVA diesel generator supplying Power to the radar as well as the Ptarmigan/IADS communication node connecting the radar to the microwave line of sight systems of the Ptarmigan theater wide com system as well as the dedicated IADS system.

Just beside the com node mounted on a M 557 command vehicle is a 3200 liter fueltank on a trailer. The trailer is also transporting the decoy transmitter. When operating in a threat environment the radar head team will be alerted of any suspected HARM launches whereafter the radar transmitter will be turned off and the Three tracked vehicles will vacate the position as quickly as possible, leaving just the generator and the fuel trailer for the HARM to kill. As the Ptarmigan Node vehicle takes off the Connection to the fuel trailer will be broken and the decoy transmitter will automatically start transmitting on the same frequency as the radar, thus making the HARM beleive it still has a Lock on to the radar. We hope this will afford the tracked vehicles a degree of survivability as the HARM seems to have a blast radius of no more than 50 meters.

The Third tracked vehicle on the Picture is a M 557 command vehicle providing technical and operational support for the radar and coms. This vehicle is not Connected to the generator as it has its own APU and does not need a lot of Power. As you can see there are a number of 20 litre fuel cans to replenish as needed.



The 10. BN Medical contains amongst other units, a medium Field hospital. I have set this out for you on a card table so please be aware that in a real deployment it would be more dispersed.

On the first Picture you see the main treatment units on the right hand side of the Picture. The Three open tents is the triade centre. Behind these there are two nursing stations for patients on their way into surgery or to medical care following surgery. To the immediate left of this is an EMR and two brand new Boxer medical treatment units stabilizing trauma patients prior to transfer to surgery. Behind these again you see two sets of M557s, one a surgical operating station and the second an intensive care unit. The field hospital can treat three trauma patients, two surgical operations and four intensive care patients at the same time.

In the far right hand corner you have a pharmacy, an x-ray unit and a medical laboratory unit. The truck you see beside the ICU 2 unit with the gray container is a fridge containing blood plasma. To the right of the triage tents you can just glimpse the nursing station for lightly injured personell waiting to be infused into the medical care units. The white vehicle on the bottom of the picture is an ambulance from the ambulance coy that has just dropped off two patients for triage.

Above this you find the 100 KVA generator supplying Power to the entire unit and a fuel truck with 4.200 litres of diesel fuelt. Parked beside this are the field hospitals own ambulances. In the left hand corner you find some of the units transport vehicles used when relocating the field hospital.

On the second picture you find, in addition to the units described above, also the rest of the transports. The three large tents are medical care stations with 60 beds in total. The M 557 on the back of the picture is the unit admin With the Commanders Field car and a morgue van, and in the far righthand corner of this picture you will find a field bath with a warm water heater and a water truck. This belongs to the 5. BN and is manned and operated by the engineers.

To the left of the Picture are parked two UH1D "dust off" ambulance helicopters belonging to army aviation, and finally you see the mess tent able to feed 50 People at one sitting. One glaring problem is that we do not have a water Buffalo trailer for drinking water and a water purifier. This is on the shopping list. At the moment drinking water is supplied in bottles.

The Third Picture does not show a lot more then the other Pictures, apart from the top right hand corner where you find a nursing station for the lightly wounded and a large tent for the patients that have been triaged out due to severe wounds.

The final Picture is a detail of the lightly wounded nursing station.


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The rest of the 10. BN Medical. The first Picture show one of currently two Medical response teams. These teams include two Mercedes GE each With a driver/orderly and a full Medical doctor, one specialized truck With fridge container transporting blood plasma and two Boxer trauma treatment vehicles. These teams will be deployd to units expecting Heavy combat casualties and will reenforce other batallions Medical stations and may also reenforce the medium or light Field hospital.

The second Picture show the BN HQ With a command truck, a bus and another truck With fridge container transporting blood plasma. To the right of this the ambulance Company With 8 Puch Steyer Ambulances. Finally there is the light Field hospital With tents, beds and some Medical supplies but very little Advanced Equipment.

The Medical BN receives C3I and mess support from the engineer BN and does not have a lot of integral support units. The BN is a purely combat Medicare BN and the more Advanced services are taken care of by 2. division Medical units. 2. division has a Heavy Field hospital on rails With Advanced treatment Resources. 2. division is currently constructing a Heavy Field hospital based on containers.

To illustrate the medical support system in the Midtguardian defence forces, we will look at it from an infantrymans point of veiw.

Every infantryman carries some medical essentials. There is a combat medic in every infantry section (every 10 men). He is trained in first aid and trauma treatment and carries a first aid kit. There is no platoon medical resources, but every infantry company has a medical station with an ambulance and some medical equipment, a driver/orderly and a trauma paramedic providing more advanced aid as well as co-ordinating evac to higher echelon treatment, either by ambulance or "dust off" evac. Every batallion has a medical station with a truck setting up a trauma centre with limited combat surgery resources as well as providing non combat medical services for the batallions personell. The response teams will reenforce this station if deemed prudent. There is also a larger trauma centre and emergency medical unit in the divisional HQ with 6 Boxer medical treatment vehicles and three armoured ambulances. If more advanced treatment is necessary the patient will be transferred either to the medium field hospital or the 2. division heavy rail hospital.

Please understand that I am a rank amateur in this and would greatly appreciate some feedback. Is this sufficient? What do I need to improve? Have I understood the "physics" of this?



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I had a conversation with OBSERVER concerning Midtguardian 1. div recon BN. Its disappeared. Anyone help?
IIRC, you were chatting with Lone Ranger or CheeZe on your Recon BN?
CheeZe, OPSSG and Lone Ranger; thanks for the input guys.

The reason why the Recon BN is the last of the divsional batallions to be set up is of coarse that this is the most difficult to grasp.

The MDF has two main maneuvre units, the 1. Division, a full blown combat division of ca 12.000 troops, and the Armoured Brigade belonging to the 2. division. While the Armoured Brigade (of about 160 M1A2 Abrahms MBTs and a total of 800 vehicles) and their recon capabilities With a dedicated recon BN sporting IVIS (Inter Vehicular Information System) equipped M1s and drone equipped Fennecks feeding information to the Brigade Intelligence officer (S2) and his staff at Brigade HQ, is well understood, the intelligence loop in the division is much more difficult to come to terms With...
I don’t see any chats with OBSERVER.
In general, most of them are make up of a HQ coy with 4 operation coys, namely Signal/C4 coy, SATCom coy, RSTA coy and a Tactical UAV coy.

You might want to check out this facebook link for their first evaluation. (Many lessons were learned after this :) )
Just click on Lone Ranger’s name in the quoted post to go there.
The Midtguardian 1. division has a dedicated signals BN which Connects the various BN's to Div HQ and other batallions through the Ptarmigan II MSE com system that also provides Satcom. As far as I understand there is no need for Signals coy in the Recon BN as this service is provided by the Signals BN.

There would have to be a BN HQ of coarse to task the BNs recon Resources in coherence With Div HQ requirements, but I don't beleive its necessary to Field a dedicated Signals coy, although there will be signals BN units present in the Recon BN HQ.

As far as I can understand, the Recon BNs missions would mainly be to establish visuial contact With the enemy, keep up this contact and report enemy movements to BN HQ while avoiding skirmishing as far as possible. I also foresee the need to quickly approach specific locations during an advance in front of own forces to occupy special positions in advance, and in defence/retreat to stay in Visual contact With enemy forces and report on these.

There is also the need to establish the specifics of enemy deployment before engaging own forces in an attack.

I am thinking on the lines of two 12 vehicle strong recon coys with drone equipped Fenneck armoured recon vehicles, as well as a foreward recon HQ. Does this sound sensible? For your information, 2. div SpecOps has two long range recon teams that may be used when availiable.

What does RSTA mean?
Hope the links help.
To understand SAF's C4I battalions operations, one has to understand the concept of SAF's Networked Centric Warfighting (NCW) capability.

For your reading pleasure, here is the link to -"Future Communications in a NCW paradigm"- a paper written in 2005 that formed some of the guideline for subsequent development on the SAF's NCW capabilities.
(Side note: The discussion on real-time mission tailoring and re-tasking for long range weapon in this paper, could likely leads to the development of SPIKE LR2's 3rd party target allocation capability - Singapore, an early and major users of SPIKE ATGMs, did their test firing of SPIKE LR2 in 2017)

With the SAF's 3rd Division attained its Initial Operational Capability (IOC) as a 3rd Generation (Network Enabled) Combined Arms Division in 2017, this showed that most of the challenges mentioned in the 2005 paper had been both overcome and turned operation....
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