I think we will have to look at internal security for all minorities as well as the general population. The extremists groups irrespective of their origins will always look for targets to blame for their own failures in life or what ever made them marginalised. They will never look at themselves as the problem but look for a target to blame. It is an unfortunate, if extreme result of the blame culture that has steadily grown in our society over the past decades. In this case I think that if the muslims had not been available they would have blamed and targeted someone else,like the jews , or the chinese. In my view this finding someone to blame for your failings and not looking at you self has become a significant part of our society and the current disaster and atrocity is an extreme manifestation of this. What we need to do in this case when the necessary inquiries are concluded is not to go on the blame game, but rather look at what we can do better and concentrate on that, No one is perfect and while we must work always to improve we will, all of us, have failings and the blame game only makes people more likely to hide these failing, which makes them harder to see and correct.