I would take it a step further and say certain politicians support defence and other certain politicians don't, irrespective of which party they belong to, or whether they are left or right of centre. I would note that the pollies most often responsible for defence cuts and dopy defence decisions tend to be to the extremes of left or right and driven by ideological beliefs that leave little room for any form of bipartisanship, common sense, of anything that is not of personal interest or benefit to them. They will destroy a project from within, defence or other, for no reason other than political capital.
The attack on the Collins Project is but one example of that, there was also the cancelling of the Fremantle replacement program (OPC) in favour of a life extension then the totally inadequate Armidales. Ironically when things looked to be getting back on track with proposed OCV program to replace the PBs, MCMVs and Hydro / Oceanography fleets, Labors determination to destroy everything that smelt of Rudd, saw a carbon copy of the mistakes made under Howard with the plan switched to a life extension of something that was not good enough, then the cheapest PB option to replace them later. The fact the RAN is now finally getting OPVs is a sign that, although both the left and right outliers are screaming their heads off, that Australian pollies are starting to put politics aside on the important stuff and listen to the experts.
In Australia it is the looney left that is usually the problem where defence is concerned as the extreme right here tend to be (as well as unelectable), ultra nationalist nutbags, with little if any idea of defence. They would most be happy with a para military force bashing and deporting anyone that didn't fit a very narrow view of what was "Aussie", yelling that we need ballistic missile subs and SU35XXXXXXXXXs and would be blind sided that we couldn't afford it, even after ending all foreign aid. Some of the rhetoric actually really annoys me, the rant about how useless, cowardly, politicised and out of touch our military leaders are because bastardisation is illegal and non-white, non males can now serve
At least we don't seem to be cursed with the neo-con economic rationalists that the US (and UK?) has suffered from in the last decade or so, people who slash and burn defence and everything else with no view to the long term consequences. That said we did come very close with the proposed Japanese sub build that would have been the end of Australian shipbuilding following the mess Smith made of AWD. That however appears to have had more to do with DFAT being on an alliance building rampage and the WA mafia wanting all local defence spending concentrated in the South West of WA, than economic rationalism.