Why, because making a move BEFORE they completed their nuke and ICBM seems to me a safer bet than doing so afterwards! How is a nuclear NK in China's interest?
North Korea is already a nuclear state, that's a fact. Maintaining the status quo is in China's interests; not a war that will achieve nothing. Going with your argument, a war with a country that already has nukes, to prevent it from eventually developing nuke armed ICBMs is justified even though it might lead to the deaths of thousands if not millions in a number of countries; not to mention the economic, effects is justified? Also, despite the rhetoric and beating of war drums just how ready is the U.S. for a full scale conflict in the Korean peninsular given it already has massive commitments elsewhere and that South Korea has been urging restraint.
How's this for compensation for lost NK trade, China still gets to trade with the US or do you think their stellar trade with NK is more important?
Look at the bigger picture. North Korea is in China's backyard, completely severing economic ties with it might please Uncle Sam but might lead to instability in North Korea which will not be in China's interests. Also how long will it take for U.S. trade to compensate for whatever China has lost be severing all economic ties with North Korea?
Basically the same as numerous US administrations with the same results.
I can also point out that there has been peace in the Korean peninsular for decades; no doubt the U.S. military deterrent and the desire of North Korea's leadership to stay in power played a big role but so did China's efforts both publicly and behind the scenes to rein in the North Koreans.
It is more likely the refugees will be pouring into SK not China. As for aid, the US and Asian allies would help IMO.
If there's a land war, the threat to the North Koreans will come primarily from the south. For much of North Korea's population the obvious direction for them to escape the fighting will be to the north rather than heading south towards where the fighting is. As for help from Uncle Sam and other countries there is always the possibility but the Chinese can't base their calculations on whether external assistance will materialise or not. Assuming there's no war but the country - for whatever reason - breaks apart, do you really see South Korea and the U.S. allowing large numbers of North Korean refugees across the DMZ?
Does he mean that the US has resurrected or enabled old stocks of weapons?
I have no idea what he meant : the question is whether he actually knows what he meant.