Someone explain to me how taking in undocumented foreign Nationals from country's in civil war, that were sponsors of terrorism even when they were stable, is a good thing?
I dont know what he said about Sweden but I do know they have let in a demographic time bomb and the damage caused by it wont be fully accessed for many years to come. I also know its not working out to well and the world doesnt really know it cause those who control what information the world gets live in million dollar homes on Golf courses and winter in the Med.
Unlike most of you I have been to both Western Europe and the Middle East and have seen the clash in cultures, which is far worse today then it was then. And it was bad enough then.
Youve been sold a bill of goods by a Elite World Leftist Information collective that wants you to believe this vision of they're's that doesn't exist in reality no more then their life styles cross with ours, the working serfs who pay the bills and fight the war's. Dont be a useful Lemming ,at least question them. Heres an example of the average college educated American voter grasp of issues, and we can assume they bring the same brilliance to the table when asked why they dont like Trump. LOL, the Zebra's run where all the other zebra's are running to no questions asked.
You'd think people would have smartened up after Merkel's failure to squash the story of NYE Grope Fest 2016, "she almost pulled it off". The Obama administration had a policy of pawning off terror attacks to other motives. Heres one of my favorite zillionaire Leftist elite dingbats and his rationalizing the slaughter of unarmed cartoonists compared to the slaughter of plain old concert goers.