Thanks for the reply ngatimozart, but the source of the argument was from that thread but due to the regular updates all talk gets washed away in a day, and I wanted this to be for this topic. (Or should I just take it down)
Have you heard any news on the future frigate?
The point Ng made is very valid, there had been a lot of discussion in the RAN thread and it will contain a lot of answers (but yes it is true that things do get 'washed' away as you say, but that's not do say you can't 'revive' the discussion within the main RAN thread by regularly contributing to the discussion), just a suggestion, ok?
Anyway, having said that, couple of points here...
You said "The proposals for the RAN future frigates seems to be up in the air", what exactly do you mean up in the air?
As it stands at the moment, it was only back in April of this year that the three shortlisted contenders were announced, and it was around September (if I remember correctly), that all three of those shortlisted contenders ended up signing design contracts with Government to further define/refine their respective proposals.
And at this stage the plan is to select a winning design during 2018 (maybe lateish 2018?) and then to start cutting steel in 2020.
Far from being up in the air (in my opinion), it may just be that meeting those deadlines it going to be hard enough for those three contenders to refine and deliver their proposals in time.
Whilst we may not see much 'news' in the public domain, I'm sure those three contenders are pretty busy trying to meet the deadlines set, time will tell!!
As to what is best for Australia's needs, that's a hard one, there are many differing opinions (again look back through the RAN thread).
There are some here who believe that from a 'construction' point of view, it will be better to select the Spanish design, as it is based on the AWD hull, but others see it as an 'older' design that didn't have an ASW focus originally.
The T26 on the other hand is the least mature, from having a ship in the water point of view, but being the most modern design of the three contenders, it may be the best choice for the reasons stated in the RAN thread.
The Italian ship? Well that's the wild card, who knows?
The other thing I'd say is, 'Google is your friend' (as many have said here in the past), read as much as you can about Future Frigate and SEA5000, won't give you all the answers you are looking for, but it might arm you with enough questions to pose.
Anyway, just my opinion!