Royal Australian Navy Discussions and Updates

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Well-Known Member
Nothing related to climate change, but that organisation really needs a big reform.

As I was once one of them, many of their research projects or restructure are just budget grap. For my near a decade service over there, I rarely see any project that was properly managed.
That's interesting. I would like to know more. I never worked in the organisation, but we used to get mass spec done on big proteins (beyond the usual lab mass spectrometers at the time) at Clayton. They provided tremendous service. A few other times I've had to ask them to help validate instruments and they were again a great help. I still have a few friends in the organisation and they mainly complain of increasing government interference and decreasing funds. From my view the organisation has an incredible record of innovation and assistance to industry, but perhaps the truth is different.


That's interesting. I would like to know more. I never worked in the organisation, but we used to get mass spec done on big proteins (beyond the usual lab mass spectrometers at the time) at Clayton. They provided tremendous service. A few other times I've had to ask them to help validate instruments and they were again a great help. I still have a few friends in the organisation and they mainly complain of increasing government interference and decreasing funds. From my view the organisation has an incredible record of innovation and assistance to industry, but perhaps the truth is different.
Sure, would you please check your mail box and let's keep this forum for naval stuff then:)


Super Moderator
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Verified Defense Pro
Sure, would you please check your mail box and let's keep this forum for naval stuff then:)
Please do, there have been numerous attempts to get this back on track and you had to persist with this when you could have simply PM others instead. What a waste of mobile data


New Member

Just checked Marine Traffic and it looks as if the "Hobart" is starting her builders trials. Hope all goes to plan and all systems work as advertised.


The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
Just checked Marine Traffic and it looks as if the "Hobart" is starting her builders trials. Hope all goes to plan and all systems work as advertised.
I've heard her standard of fit and finish is extremely high, even in comparison to US built ships, fingers crossed there are no systems issues of note. The BIW and ABS experts have been singing the praises of the ASC workforce since fabrication first started, they were so worried about getting it wrong that they perhaps over did it on the things they could control.


The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
HMAS Adelaide is alongside Fort Hill Wharf Darwin. She's here for hot weather CH 47F Chook trials and the weather is certainly obliging, 34 C here all week with high humidity. We welcome her to Mango Madness and divorce season in the Top End


New Member
HMAS Adelaide is alongside Fort Hill Wharf Darwin. She's here for hot weather CH 47F Chook trials and the weather is certainly obliging, 34 C here all week with high humidity. We welcome her to Mango Madness and divorce season in the Top End
Don't miss "silly season" one little bit. At least in Darwin you get a sea breeze(ha ha). Down the track we just get the fan forced oven and hanger temps topping 50 C.:jump
There are very nice photos of the Hobart and also the Brisbane fitting out in the latest Australian Warship Magazine.. The Navantia model of the LHD, Cantabria and Hobart class destroyer is especially pleasing which gives a good insight into how the new RAN will look. I think it is particularly well done by Navantia.


New Member

Dick Smith questions submarine project, says plans are 'ludicrous' and 'we're being conned' - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Dick Smith of all people has weighed in on the Subs, he does mention what a few people on here were stating a while back about the conversion to a diesel sub from a nuclear design as being impractical. He claims 'Submarine experts' have told him this. I think it's a bit naive of him to believe he has more knowledge then the evaluation team however.


Dick Smith questions submarine project, says plans are 'ludicrous' and 'we're being conned' - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Dick Smith of all people has weighed in on the Subs, he does mention what a few people on here were stating a while back about the conversion to a diesel sub from a nuclear design as being impractical. He claims 'Submarine experts' have told him this. I think it's a bit naive of him to believe he has more knowledge then the evaluation team however.
I read the article in this morning's Australian newspaper. The problem is that Australia has never had a community based public debate on whether it wants a nuclear industry, let alone nuclear-powered submarines. I remember John Howard tried to kick-start such a debate about 10 years ago when he proposed nuclear energy as a means of reducing CO2 emissions. It got nowhere and he lost the 2007 election.

My own belief is that until we've had such a national debate nuclear-anything is not going to happen.:argue


Well-Known Member
I read the article in this morning's Australian newspaper. The problem is that Australia has never had a community based public debate on whether it wants a nuclear industry, let alone nuclear-powered submarines. I remember John Howard tried to kick-start such a debate about 10 years ago when he proposed nuclear energy as a means of reducing CO2 emissions. It got nowhere and he lost the 2007 election.

My own belief is that until we've had such a national debate nuclear-anything is not going to happen.:argue
While I am all for it to happen (nuclear debate) I think most people would in the long run agree to them but as soon as possabile site are mentioned the nimbyism no vote get very loud, as they will have to be sited where large body of water are accessible.

Who Wants a Nuclear Power Plant?
Support for nuclear power in Australia Research Paper No. 39
January 2007
Andrew Macintosh

The fact that nuclear energy attracts moderate levels of support at a general level but fierce opposition from local communities when concrete proposals are put forward suggests the presence of the NIMBY (not in my backyard) phenomenon. That is, even if people do not oppose nuclear power plants at a general level, they often object to proposals to construct them in their local areas.


While I am all for it to happen (nuclear debate) I think most people would in the long run agree to them but as soon as possabile site are mentioned the nimbyism no vote get very loud, as they will have to be sited where large body of water are accessible.

Who Wants a Nuclear Power Plant?
Support for nuclear power in Australia Research Paper No. 39
January 2007
Andrew Macintosh
Either way, it's not going to happen.

John Fedup

The Bunker Group
The debate should be about nuclear subs, not nuclear power plants. Australia has much better conditions for wind and solar so nuclear power plants for green energy isn't as critical as it is for others. NIMBY BS is a huge problem for almost everything here in Canada. A billion dollar cancellation penalty in Ontario for cancelling two NG power plants due to NIMBY pressures during an election. The same crap is effecting oil pipe line modernization. IMHO, the solution is huge discounts for those accepting these types of projects and a surcharge for NIMBY folks (a big one!).

Joe Black

Active Member
Anger as UK Defence Secretary Michael Fallon refuses to sign off warship contract

It appears that Type 26 will hit serious headwind with the British. If it will still be viable for the SEA 5000.

Britain’s Secretary of State for Defence is tied up in a contract dispute with BAE Systems over the Royal Navy’s future Type 26 frigates. MoD wants a lower price while BAE, saying production numbers have been sharply cut, argues it cannot go any lower.

Anger as UK Defence Secretary Michael Fallon refuses to sign off warship contract | News | The National

Might have more impact in the RN rather than RAN thread :)
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New Member
Sorry i cannot provide a link but NuShip Hobart started seatrials. Saw in Australian Aviation Magazine. Defense website also has a few photos.


The Bunker Group
Verified Defense Pro
Armada to send F-100 chaperone for Hobart

This is quite old news but the MOU has now been signed and F105 Cristobal Colon will be in Oz early next year to hold hands with Hobart and de-risk her introduction into service.
RAN personnel will sail with her from Spain and about 40 crew will sea ride with her during Hobarts work up.
This whole evolution is a smart move IMO

Joe Black

Active Member
Armada to send F-100 chaperone for Hobart

This is quite old news but the MOU has now been signed and F105 Cristobal Colon will be in Oz early next year to hold hands with Hobart and de-risk her introduction into service.
RAN personnel will sail with her from Spain and about 40 crew will sea ride with her during Hobarts work up.
This whole evolution is a smart move IMO
Yeah, this is a really smart move I agree. I also wonder if RAN will train both Hobart and Brisbane crews simultaneously so that when Brisbane is ready, the crew will pretty much hit the ground running (or should I say hit the water sailing).


Grumpy Old Man
Staff member
Verified Defense Pro
am assuming that online access is available - my latest hardcopy of USNI Proceedings arrived today (Sept 2016) - there's an interesting article which has multiple references to RAN. and exchanges, interoperability, training between USN, RN and RAN "Navies Must Develop a Multinational mind-set"

worth reading

also has a sep article on replacing the Romeo, covers fighting pairs of manned, unmanned etc...

also worth reading
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