Aust Defender provided an interesting insight into the proposed shore based anti-ship missile requirement, apparently it is seen as a counter for China's DF21 anti ship tactical ballistic missile capability. A land based system would also be vulnerable to tactical missile attack so would need to be protected by an IADS including an ABM capability to be viable.
This makes more sense but I can see the capability, especially once the ABM capable IADS, ground defence and logistics overheads come into play, costing more and being less flexible and survivable than buying additional, improved AWDs, as well as spec'ing CEAFAR missile corvettes (ESSM and maybe even a couple of SM6 inadditon to the anti ship missiles) instead of OPVs.
This makes more sense but I can see the capability, especially once the ABM capable IADS, ground defence and logistics overheads come into play, costing more and being less flexible and survivable than buying additional, improved AWDs, as well as spec'ing CEAFAR missile corvettes (ESSM and maybe even a couple of SM6 inadditon to the anti ship missiles) instead of OPVs.