They did bomb/suicide attacks in crowded areas for maximum carnage, how many deaths did you expect, hundreds? It's not that "easy". Look at the Paris attacks. 130 because 89 were at that theater.
Also, they are trying to disrupt the way of life of the people and terrorise them. Think of how many people take or have taken the metro there, or have been in the airport. I have friends that have been there and they were thinking " what if it was me there?". And we are in another country entirely.
What a bizarre post. Terror attacks happen in public gatherings and mass transportation. Remember the England metro attacks, or the Japan subway gas attacks?
First of, not hundreds, and secondly, I am sorry that my post was not clear about this, but I was referring to non-human casualties. Specifically, economic and political casualties, I am sorry for that term I don't know a better term. An airport is not the most effective target in those areas.
I am not saying that it does not have a real effect; I said that it was not the MOST effective.
I was specifically referring to DAESH attacks; I am sorry that was not clear. Also, it is necessary to understand the motivations behind a specific attack to be able to understand the pattern.
From the other post, I would really like to know where are the professional CT analysis you were referring to.