The advantage of the JHSV is you have speed and you have range. Given superior situation awareness you can outflank or outmaneuver everything except fast fixed wing air (and even then you can move out of harms way and be well armed enough to make it back to the protection of a destroyer or similar. You can also provide organic air support to the JHSV using its landing pad to launch and retrieve at speed ~ 45 kt which gives you a significant edge on all other rotary adversaries as you can hightail it out in a direction where fuel will be a significant issue, you win with out having to even fight. You can even realistically out run coastal/land based MBT and vehicles. You can always find a spot where they are not.Now, to me, the JHSV would still seem to be a awfully damn big target that close to an even marginally contested shore.
You can then deploy this incredibly fast force in superior numbers. You can put 600ts , ~30 vehicles into the water a few km (or perhaps a few metres) off shore. And provide close air support for deploying amphibious vehicles right up onto the beach. Per JHSV. The only other thing that will be able to shift as fast is the LCS.
Its not a bad compromise. You are the fastest guy on the field, you deploy substantial, self sufficient mix of forces from each run with organic air support. You can outrun everything except fixed wing air (which should be clear anyway).
I do think a fast landing craft is a worthy option and opens more doors. As does the UHAC (door buster). They have to exist for non-amphibious vehicle deployments. But they are slower and don't carry as much and can't provide organic air. They are set pieces, not wildcards.
With the JHSV you can realistically be 500-1000km off shore and deploy (with a suitable number of JHSV) from that distance. You can deploy and out move all land and sea units. You can sprinkle amphibious vehicles over a huge area which the enemy won't be able to close in on.