Hi there. So I'm new to this site and have a few things that are pondering my mind...
So first off my names Jake, I'm 16 and I've wanted to be a in the army for as long as I can remember, never Navy or Air Force, only ever Army. As the years went by I started to get closer to the age where I had to start making choices.
So I did research, found out the title name of the exact job I've always wanted to undertake, a Commando.
Now as I'm in year 11 I've come to a two way river, do I complete year 12, which I'm really not that keen for, but if it's a requirement for me to become a Commando then I'm going to do it.
Join the RMC-D next year, get experience in and a solid foundation now, then after the 18 months of the College and an additional 2 years of service, apply as a Commando.
The final verdict will be decided with my family, but I would like to have a bit more information before we decide.
So question:
#1 Do I need to have completed year 12 to do anything leading upto the role of a Commando?
#2 Is there a way of continuing VCE while still being in a defence force college, such as the ADFA? (I understand they do bachelors etc, but not sure if they can or can't do VCE)
Can't think of the other questions right now but I'm sure as these are answered a few more will come. Thanks you!
So first off my names Jake, I'm 16 and I've wanted to be a in the army for as long as I can remember, never Navy or Air Force, only ever Army. As the years went by I started to get closer to the age where I had to start making choices.
So I did research, found out the title name of the exact job I've always wanted to undertake, a Commando.
Now as I'm in year 11 I've come to a two way river, do I complete year 12, which I'm really not that keen for, but if it's a requirement for me to become a Commando then I'm going to do it.
Join the RMC-D next year, get experience in and a solid foundation now, then after the 18 months of the College and an additional 2 years of service, apply as a Commando.
The final verdict will be decided with my family, but I would like to have a bit more information before we decide.
So question:
#1 Do I need to have completed year 12 to do anything leading upto the role of a Commando?
#2 Is there a way of continuing VCE while still being in a defence force college, such as the ADFA? (I understand they do bachelors etc, but not sure if they can or can't do VCE)
Can't think of the other questions right now but I'm sure as these are answered a few more will come. Thanks you!