Interesting. The article here mentions someone ''embedded'' [don't quite like the word] with a Syruan army unit in the Damascus suburd where the chemicals were used; it seems there was a Syrian army local offensive on at that time.
There was also a pic of someone using an I-Pad as a make do ballistics computer for his mortar. Not sure how this is possible and what software one would use.
One aircraft going down in Syrian territory (mechanical failure or being shot down) would cause significant domestic problems. The American public is actually pretty non-interventionist at this point.
Which reminds me of the 2 [or was it 1?] USN A-7s shot down by the Syrians in Lebanon back in the 1980's. If I remember correctly, the pilots were handed over to Jesse Jackson.
If not, may as well pull back all forward deployed forces to CONUS as US power projection will have become a paper tiger.
Not really, it provides Uncle Sam with the means to respond in the event that something happens to threaten Western interests, it reassures countries like Saudi Arabia who are worried about internal security and it keeps the Sunni Gulf States Arabs safe from the ''heretic'' Iranians. I believe that the withdrawal of Western troops and bases from Arab lands will solve a lot of issues but that's not going to happen anytime soon.
From the US point of view, is that cost worth weakening Iran?
Well the countries that are doing what the're doing to rid themselves of Assad seem to think so.
The fall of the Alawite Baathist government - as all of use here are aware - will severely weaken Iran and leave it even more isolated, and would also severely affect Hezbollah; this would make the West, the Israelis and Sunni Arabs happy campers. In the past, Assad has made it clear that he would never severe his strategic ties with Iran and Iran has said the same with regards to Syria, on a number of occasions. A few years ago, the Israeli's demanded that Assad ditch Iran as condition for parts of the Golan to be returned; Assad refused. Assad the elder was the only Arab statesman who provided assistance to Iran, during the 8 year war which Saddam started with the tactic approval of Washington, London, Riyadh, Cairo, Amman and quite a few other countries; the Iranians haven't forgotten the debt they owe Syria.