I remember reading something really early on that was talking about if Brazil bought say 6 (completely plucked the figure out of the air as i can't remember), then something like 2 would be built in the UK with Brazilian technicians working on the project and then production would be transferred to Brazil - or at least the hull + superstructure is being built + will be kitted out in Brazil - the same sort of deal that they're doing with the Scorpenes so I don't reckon that'd be hard to see happening. With Australia, yeah, I know it was a pipe-dream but who doesn't have 'em eh?Australia will want to home build - they've just stepped up enough yard capacity to take on the Hobarts, if they can trickle feed enough work in the yards direction to keep 'em alive til the Frigate replacement, then whatever they buy in, will be an adapted design, home build affair. And so, as far as I can see, would any other Type 26 customer - Brazil has explicitly said they'd want domestic build, ditto Canada. The list goes on - I don't see any export type 26 work being done in the UK.
Very true, wouldn't be surprised if they ballooned the numbers of OPVs required just to keep it going on that little bit more. There's only roughly 2 years between the independence vote + Scottish 2016 general election so something like 7 - 8 OPVs (maybe up to 10? - IIRC Norway's up close to 15 OPVs but operates frigates etc too) should easily be enough to fill up those yards for 2 years i think (Not great on OPV build rates to be honest) but after that, it's a downhill spiral.Hence my suggestion that whatever the SNP do, they'll build an independence build around getting as much work in their first term as an independent government into Scottish yards. After all, they'd be screwed for re-election otherwise
So, if I were trying to be crafty and wily and stuff, I'd pitch an OPV build to Venator, offer 'em some nice tax breaks to locate at least the front end of a design centre North of the border, slap a "made in Scotland" sticker on a lightly modified Venator, and then pass the malt around, crying "huzzah, we have a natively designed OPV, and we've only just become independent"
Need it to be cheap, quick to get up front and simple to use + operate. It'd be all they need considering they're not expecting to go to somewhere 'hot' with their ships. Although that causes issues of if they did take a Type 23 then sooner or later they'd need to replaced, i'd be prepared to bet that it'd be put out as either Scotland not being able to even afford to replace a token force of frigates or not being able to indiginously do their own thing. Not to mention that I wouldn't be surprised if it was casually mentioned that the SNP were be happy to accept the UK's "leftovers" rather than new kit.Type 23 wise, they could pull a couple out prior to refit and do them their own way if they wished. Seawolf goes end of life 2016 or 2018 - can't remember when, but they'd need something alternative to fit - personally, I'd stick an 11 cell RAM launcher on the front, job done. They could also put in for a couple of the type 22's still tied up - same deal, quick refit, lick of paint, RAM or Barak launcher at the front, and voila, see, us thrifty Scots have proven our engineering skills etc.
Or, they could be total tossers about it and start demanding ships they don't want in order to get concessions elsewhere.
Can't see how in hell they could demand anything else, no way they'll get a Type 45 - wouldn't let them have it and don't need it.
Better not demand a share in Type 26, although I can't see how?