How is the movement of the bolt and bolt carrier not Newtonian physics? Masses are moving - that is the very centre of what Newton was on about.There is more to felt recoil than just the Newtonian physics of the bullet and propellant gas leaving the weapon. This is the first impulse contributing to recoil and movement in the weapon. The second impulse is caused by the bolt group moving back and forth in the receiver. The third is if the weapon has the bolt group strike a buffer in the rear of the receiver and the fourth when the bolt group comes to a halt against the chamber while loading a new round. While the bolt group doesn’t move at the same velocities as the bullet) and gas leaving the barrel (about 10-20 feet per second) it is much heavier (500 g rather than 4 g) and its impulses take place over a lot longer time. Typically a bullet and gas has left the barrel in under 2 milliseconds and the action of the bolt group takes about 10-20 milliseconds. Anyway opening up the gas port has the down side of increasing the velocity of the rearward movement of the bolt causing stronger impulses.
Anyway, the original post was talking about the kick of a weapon, which is caused by the bullet leaving the barrel and the fact that the axis of the bore is above where the weapon is being held. If you want to reduce this just do what Kriss did with their submachine gun.