...The Wedgetail carries around its own crew of fighter controllers to run the battlefield.
...The same Israeli radar technology was offered to the RAAF for Wedgetail scaled up and mounted on an A310 platform. While not as advanced as the Boeing/Northrop offer it would have been in service years ago…
I am a member a scale model club in Canberra and we had AVM Chris Deeble, Wedgetail Project Director come and speak to us about the project last month.
Yes the Wedgetail is more than a radar picket it is an important command, control and communications asset. I think he also said there was a naval officer onboard to help coordinate overwater missions as MESA is very good over the sea.
As to a rotor mounted radar being available being in service earlier than the MESA on Wedgetail I can't speak to that but I do know from Chris Deeble's talk the MESA is much more flexible than a mechanically rotated system.
The flexibility to do 360 degree scans with no "down time" when the radar isn't trained on the targets (as with rotor system) makes for a greatly increased situational awareness.
The electronic scanning also allows the rationing (for want of a better word) of scan time so the Wedgetail can concentrate on one sector and still keep a watch on other sectors. There are other advantages.
The question was asked as to whether the Wedgetail was a poor 2nd to the E3. Chris Deeble stated in no way was Wedgetail 2nd class and that the USAF bods who looked at the system on recent deployments were HIGHLY impressed at the Wedgetail capability.
An A310 based system may have been available earlier but from my listening to the Project Director it would not have been as capable a system. (Which Abraham does acknowledge.)
A less advanced system available 5-10 years ago or an advanced state of the art system that is as good as anything for the next 20(?) years. I think I'll take the 2nd box Bob.
P.S. The Wedgetail is now officially the E-7 Wedgetail