I'm waiting to see if the RN does an article about this before I get too jittery, but still, it's interesting
British flotillas prepared for Syria evacuation - Telegraph
The 'big' named ships in this task force are HMS Illustrious, HMS Bulwark + HMS Defender, but according to the RN, Defender isn't even due to be commissioned until early 2013 and even then she'll have to do all the "work-up" training before going on her maiden deployment, so they must mean HMS Dragon? Assuming it's got any truth in it that is.
British flotillas prepared for Syria evacuation - Telegraph
She'll then be joined by a French CBG at a later date.A substantial Navy task force will deploy to the eastern Mediterranean for large scale exercises after the Olympics but will have the capability to help civilians fleeing the growing violence.
The 'big' named ships in this task force are HMS Illustrious, HMS Bulwark + HMS Defender, but according to the RN, Defender isn't even due to be commissioned until early 2013 and even then she'll have to do all the "work-up" training before going on her maiden deployment, so they must mean HMS Dragon? Assuming it's got any truth in it that is.