The Government commissions a independent inquiry on the use of FBE by Cruise liners and surprise surprise when the inquiry comes out saying that Cruise liner use is totally incompatible and should not go ahead, the Government wait’s a couple of months and just does it anyway.
Naval base to be opened to cruise ships - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
My Labor leanings continue to be severely tested :mad3
i can not even begin to describe the anger and bewilderment of this from the guys based in Sydney right now. The "peak" period for these cruise liners is Oct-Feb, and the peak maintanence time for the RAN is...Oct-Feb, as this is when most ships return for repairs and crew rest, leave etc.
At this stage Reduced Activity Period may as well be cancelled, as ships will be subject to cruise ships operations, and will be required to move over their 4 weeks leave break. so look for sailors flying home from across the country, on their own dime now that our 2 flights home have been cut since last budget. If i had a call to come in and move so that cruise liners were coming in, id make sure it went to voicemail and id deal with it after RAP.
Theres 4 FFGs, 3 FFH, Choules, Success and Tobruk all set to be alongside at the end of the year, a West based FFH is scheduled for next MEAO rotation, so this will be the first full base for christmas in a few years. Theirs 6 berths parrell to cowper wharf road, then West wall, followed by 2 contractor berths on the Island. so 8 spots, count in success or choules requires 2 of the berth, 5A and 5B, when in, and then it cuts it down to 7 frigates in 4 berths. Those that live in the finger wharf hate having ships double parked down their end, so they try over RAP to leave it at single berth. theres 2 spots out, so now 5 frigates in 2 berths. If we flood the dock, then we can squeeze 2 ships in, but it doesnt allow any dry dock work over RAP which is when Thales use it for commercial repairs. So either they lose money(Aha!) or theres 2 spots we cannot utlise. That leaves 2 berths again for 5 frigates, now we dont like to have 3 frigates outboard, as it requires readjustments of lines and would push them to close to the naval waters line, creating a Force Protection issue. now this is without considering a f**king cruise liner trying to take 3 berths, 4 as i recall when it was used they took up more room.
When the announcement was made, of course FBE is empty, so people drive past and make the assumption thats normal, but its not. This doesnt even take into consideration the Spanish AOR that arrives in theres another berth!