With all do respect, but on a global level i rather see North Korea as a failed state (Which it already is in many regards) then seeing Iran becoming a failed state.
I mean if you have to pick the lesser of 2 evils...
That being said, the US cannot do much more to North Korea other then it already does, but fact is that the real reason behind it is the danger that coming from NK's arsenal (How small and bad it might be) but non the less thats the only real reason the US is sort of keeping a eye closed.
Because other then a a lot out war, with possible nuclear effects there is nothing much the US can do. They might be able to pressure the Chinese a bit more but they only allow so much pressure.
So one might say that the influence of the US in that region is gone.
Sure they are allies with South K, Japan and Taiwan (and a few others so called the golden ring) but fact is that things turn into favor of the Asian people who look more at china for many things then they use to do towards the US.
Roughly spoken the role of the US has somewhat come to a halt there.
And with Iran the clock is ticking and is ticking fast, because if the US are not able to secure their interests in the middle east then the door to the middle east is in many way shut.
Israels power will decline sharply as the influence of Iran will eventually get even Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Syria to come around in favor of Iran.
Because lets say that Iran where to have nukes then this would change the balance in the middle east drastically and this will not be in favor of the US.
I do not want to criticize facts that i do not know much about, but what i do know is that the US has been messing up in the middle east for the past 20 years...
Which resulted in 4 wars and 2 proxy wars.
And regardless if the motives for those wars where good or bad, the result is that those nations got abandoned and in anarchy....
You have to understand that the middle east is being friendly to the US for many reasons and one of those reasons is the many benefits from it.
However with a alienating Pakistan, a lost Iraq and a destroyed Afghanistan and a possible war with Iran will sure change things around.
Simply put military speaking the US will always be boss (At least for some time to come) but this is a different ballgame here....this is not about who has the bigger army or who has the bigger gun...its all about influence and dominance.
Honestly i understand all the hectic around it and the fears of a nuclear Iran (specially after the crazy things they have said) but this is not about Israel anymore this is a prestige matter.....and you can say what you want but Iran has a load more prestige then the US in these parts of the world.
Because those same leaders who cry to the US for help against evil Iran, they are getting closer to Iran .....
Imo the US is being played....in many ways.
Fact is if Iran pulls trough without making the bomb, and the US chooses to invade Iran because of a alleged bomb program..then everything the US has worked for in the past 25 years is gone.
Because what people seem to forget is that most middle east nations consider Iran as a evil nations because of the fact they are building a bomb...
Now i wonder what would happen if it turns out they do not have a program.....
I wonder how Israel and the US are going to digg them selfs out of this one..
Ill bet that Russia and China are going to love this....not to mention Pakistan who will fall into anarchy due the many rebels from Iran and such...
Some analysts have said that the US drift for dominance in the middle east will be their fall....
Do not forget, Iran is not a failed state...they have solid leadership and even with their bad reputation they still are a key player in the region, they always have been.....so far the US fought NON-Key players....question however is can the US afford to allow Iran to continue the way they do...or can they afford to go in and turning the last bit of stability in the region to a wa rzone..
Simple said the region might hate Iran but they need Iran...they can do without Saddam, they can do without Taliban....but they cannot do without a key player like Iran.
So if the US wants to have any influence beyond the influence they have right now then it would be wise to consider their options.....
One could say that the US is betting on the wrong horse here....
Israel might be a nuclear regional power, but they never will have the potential that Iran has.
Give Iran 5 or 10 more years and they would be the most powerful nation next to Turkey, Pakistan and India....
Sure Israel remains a strong player and Saudi Arabia will be playing their part....but non of both have the potential that Iran has.
So perhaps the US should turn their attention to Israel.....i would argue that the nations would rather see Israel gone then Iran...
Ill bet it would bring a lot more peace and stability to the region...then any action towards evil Iran.
Well i might not be the most knowledgeable here on the forum...but you got to admit that i got a point here.