I know that China has been testing EMP's (which is quite obvious) but as well as off my coast (California). I don't know if any of you remember that whole news craze over the streak of smoke in the air and whether it was a contrail or missile. But what I have read a lot about is it was a missile off after a Chinese sub launched an EMP off our coast that shut down a cruise ship (Can't post the link new member but look it up. Chinese EMP off California Coast)
This brings up a great issue because I live in Southern California where there are numerous bases from nuclear subs to the biggest bases of troops in the country. So if this EMP knocked out our power and even if half the electronics of our military were down a full invasion would not be an impossible task or unforseeable.
I am sure that most modern nations are able to develop and test EMP based weapons, so its somewhat easier to obtain then nuclear tech and has in the right situation a perhaps bigger effect.
China will not test a EMP of the coast of California, just as much the US would test a Nuke in China's backyard.
Please provide some sources....
In regards to hardening hardware i personally believe that most modern equipment has already some sort of hardening as a factory default.
I am sure that the Bram, Challenger, Leo2. merk and T-version MBT's are all hardened to survive a direct/indirect EMP event....And if not then i am sure that the upgrade package is available if needed...
The real problem for a victim of a EMP strike would not necessarily be its military hardware, and even civilian key assets are pretty good protected.
For example someone mentioned wall street and the effect of a EMP in the heart of the economic system, well personally i cannot say much about it as i just have never been there so i cannot say a thing, but if i can take a example of my own nation we got a bank called Abn Amro who has their main data center +power supply in Amsterdam, its a vault within a vault and totally shielded from ANY event as its build in one of the old cold war army network hubs which are shielded against direct and indirect nuke and Emp events, also it has lines going out which cannot be disrupted by for example a EMP.
My point here is that a EMP will fry electronics, but it will not touch the major assets as most of them are placed on a key value list and thus pretty well protected and shielded with enough back up to make sure that it keeps running.
The real danger would be for direct and indirect communications and radar/ life support systems but still most of those systems can be restarted by just a redundant reboot system or fail over.
So i am not saying that a EMP is harmless because its deffo NOT and it will do serious damage and it will blind your victim for some time, however a EMP will not be able to bring down a nation...
Same goes for naval bases and capital ships they are shielded to their teeth and a EMP strike would disable them only for a couple of minutes till their systems are rebooted and rerouted, so a EMP would be better used as a opening attack to cover up a serious air strike...as i said a EMP will black out a big region for some time, stopping cell phones and all civilian and lower ranked government communications...so it could be used as the " joker" card during a initial attack, however key communications and key units will remain operational....
At least thats what i assume....