Why would the Syrians engage a target outside of their airspace? Does Syrian AD have a reputation for being aggressive and provocative or simply nervous? do they regularly paint up other aircraft in International Airspace? I have not heard that they do and I cannot believe that the media would be keeping quiet on it if they were.
Because it had been inside their airspace only a few minutes earlier, & was only just outside their airspace.
The Israelis have shot down Syrian military aircraft in international airspace.
Why did the Turkish account change everyday for the first three or four days? The Syrian account has been consistent from day one.
Every time someone says this, I ask them to point me to the different Turkish versions. So far, nobody has done so. Will you please do so?
But note that minor discrepancies in stories do not necessarily denote dishonesty. Not all the facts are always immediately apparent. Complete consistency from the start can sometimes be because a story has been invented, & is not changed as new information comes to light, because it is not dependent on information.
Assad is not a Gadaffi or Hussain. No fiery speeches; before or after, about turning the Med red with Turkish blood. So why do something so provocative and then apologise for it straight afterwards and repeat the apology regularly?
Was the apology immediate? I don't recall that. As for why apologise, the reason is obvious - fear.
Assad isn't a Gaddafi or Hussain, but he's a dictator whose path to power led over a pile of corpses (mostly killed by his father, but he accepted power knowing that) & he & his coterie have a lot of blood on their own hands. Remember how the current rebellion started: with the killing of demonstrators asking for democracy.
In conclusion I think it is a bit rich that people that have derided other members for "conspiracy theories" are supporting a version of events in which Syrian AD, out of the blue and wholly out of character attack a random none threatening aircraft in International Airspace, for no apparent reason!
Now that most definitely is a conspiracy theory (albeit a very poor one).
Who has said there was no apparent reason? The reason is obvious. See above. And it is neither out of the blue nor out of character.
I've seen no conspiracy theory here or elsewhere except the claim that this was a deliberate provocation by the Turks, sacrificing an aircraft & its crew to get an excuse to attack Syria.
PS. Almost forgot - one variant of the above was that the RF-4 was remotely piloted, because the Turks didn't want to sacrifice the crew, & that the crew were fictional. This, of course, requires the families who spoke to the press to be actors, & for the press to fall for it.