What I mean by this sentence is that the primary goals of the regime is not benefitting the country but to benefit itself. Take for example funds. Instead of investing in some public projects such as hospitals, schools, and other projects, the regime would probably hand over the whole budget to the military or some corrupt family relative. Their intent is not on improving the country but rather to keep themselves at the head of state. I'd expect you to know this already since we are talking about a dictator who recieved presidency from his father and will probably give it to his son if the conditions were viable.
To respond to your second paragraph, I will say the protests throughout the entire first stages of the revolution were peaceful. They used to protest in the streets calling out for reforms and freedom. But the regime began sending its militia to deal with them. Some were killed, or detained. After so many deaths and with the silence of the international community, the soldiers who were being ordered to shoot at their own people slowly began defecting. Some were killed during the process while others succeeded. Even with the defection of those soldiers, the protests remained peaceful. But then arrives a period where the killing is no longer bearable. At this stage, the defectors started protecting the protests which were and still are peaceful.
Now, after the many many massacres and the shelling of residential areas and the detainment of thousands. These defectors formed an army called the FSA whose sole function is to protect the people and ensure what they want occurs, which is the downfall of the regime. So now, the FSA is using force to liberate some areas from the regime's control as they still are not capable of a full fledged war on the regime. But once again, I repeat that those killed by the regime are unarmed, peaceful civilians no combatants. If the regime truly cared about its people, then it wouldn't have shelled residential areas, nor would it arrest and kill civilians, but would rather step down from presidency and hand over the government to a transitional council in a peaceful manner. Believe me everything I tell you is true. Look at my location. I live there. We sleep to the sound of artillery in the Damascus suburbs. :daz