Yeah but basing subs at hmas stirling is more military neccessity than a political whim.
The retention and crewing probs the subs have,do the west based surface fleet have the same problems?
And where do sub mariners who no longer wish to serve in subs go?
Do they transfer to other posts in the navy?,do they leave the adf?..if so .how many go get jobs in the mining sector?
lets get some perspective.
sub cycles are different to skimmer cycles
the job is different
the impact on family is different, there are known documented human factors and psychological differences
west based cycles have been known to be a problem ever since it was refocussed to the west - and its often family impact from partners that drives how people stay in the service - be they subs, skimmers, plane drivers, engineers, special forces, veggies etc..... its often family issues that drive retention issues
mining is still taking white and blue trade - irrespective of the bonuses its the quality of family life that has significant impact
the fact that the govt continues to not understand that its family impact that drives the bulk of the retention problems just shows how out to lunch they and some of the senior sirs are - and to be blunt, the senior sirs know it, but like all good uniforms they will not challenge the govt re its views in the open.
similar issues of service people rotating into HQJOC mirror the family issue. I know of bugger all people who enjoy their HQJOC postings. Cold miserable and a completely windowless environment (unless you're the 2 or 3 star)
when specials moved from Potts to B1 they had similar issues
we couldn't get people to go from darwin to tindal for love of money - thats despite getting extra tropical leave, subsidised govt accomodation, guaranteed flights home to a major city once per year etc....
failing to understand the impact on family life has been a consistently poor awareness trait by successive govts