Stobie - The BEST advice I can give is that you let sleeping dawgs lie. Site admins obviously have their reasons for doing such things, (possibly something has been said by one of the contributors that is wrong, or it could have been reiterating a point, that the mods have seen again & again. I know that on other fora I take part in, Mods & admins often PM contributors, to clarify issues, or advise users that comments are being deleted / withdrawn for inacuracy / trolling, etc). It's wise not to rake over smoldering coals, they often catch fire again, causing problems for those doing the raking....
The UK MoD have made a decision that they feel is the most cost effective & that will fit in with their timescale & budget. From the press reports I've read on the matter, the Italian offer was considerably more expensive. While it would still have had one ship built in the UK, time & cost have been a driving factor on this.
By the sheer trak record of the shipbuilding Industry in South Korea, it is pretty much guarenteed that the ships will be completed & delivered on time. The only grey area will be the changes / modifications that will be put in place once the ships arrive back in the UK....