The Tenix OPC was the design prepared by the Navy and industry to meet this requirement. The 1992 Force Structure Review set a need for 12 of these ships and 16 ‘intermediate’ size helicopters that would operate from them. The new corvettes were going to replace the Fremantle class patrol boat in service and their extra range and helicopter would make them far more capable in the patrol mission. They would also have a significant war fighting mission thanks to their additional weapons. The defence civilians and talking heads saw this warfighting boost as part of their plan to defend the north of Australia from the great mytical invasion. The Navy realised these boats and helos would be extremely capable for littoral operations in south east Asia and the Middle East so strongly supported them. The corvette and their helicopters was cancelled by the Howard Government around 1998 and instead the much cheaper but less capable Armidale class patrol boat acquired in their place.
Tenix opc image by abegubler on Photobucket
The OPC was 80m long and under 1,400 tonnes in displacement. It could make 24 knots and stay at sea for three weeks. Armament was up to a medium calibre gun (57mm or 76mm), eight cell VLS (32 ESSM), eight canister missiles (Harpoon), CIWS and small calibre guns and the 13,500 lb helicopter. In RAN service they would have had a 76mm gun, a SH-2G(A) Super Seasprite helicopter with Penguin missiles and a brace of 25mm or 30mm guns. With the capability for being upgraded with a ESSM capable combat system (CEAFAR?).
The Chief of Navy at the time the Armidales were introduced (Vice Admiral Ritchie) into service expressed that his greatest regret as CN was that they didn’t get an aviation capable replacement for the Fremantle class (ie the OPC). A lot is made of the failed plan to sell these boats to Malaysia ending the program but this had no significant effect on the RAN’s requirement and budget. The OPC was another casualty of the huge range of Howard Liberal Government cost cutting they inflicted upon Defence before East Timor and 911 turned their agenda 180 degrees.